Chapter 7 -First Impretion-

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The vehicle was... a bit odd to say the least. It looked like a plane with the engines at the wings, but... they were orientated vertically, supporting the plane.

"I presume that the vehicle must look a little weird to you, correct?" asked Ozpin.

"A little bit, but I was stuck here for fifty years, so... Yeah, I don't know anything about this world anymore," I responded.

He chuckled a bit from my respond. Once we were close to the Bullhead, I saw the rest of the group from earlier, coming out to meet their team again. But once they laid eyes upon me, they pulled out all kind of weapons, which I barely manage to recognize, and pointed them at me.

"Now, now, everyone. That's not a way to treat a new member of Beacon," said Ozpin, trying to calm them down.

Everyone was shocked to hear this, and some of them even dropped their weapons while one or two were about to faint. Ozpin then started to walk towards the group and started to talk to them.

'Ehm... I think it would be a good idea for you to go with the rest of the family,' I said to my mother telepathically, which by she nodded and turned into black fog and entered the book.

When I look back at the group of outsiders, I saw Blake, Pyrrah walking back towards me with a third member following them. She has black hair with a bit red at the ends of it, she was wearing a black shirt and skirt and was wearing a red cape. Judging from her appearance, she was around fifteen or sixteen years old.

"(F/n), this is Ruby Rose. The leader of my team and a good friend of mine," said Blake.

"I-it's a p-pleasure to meet you, (f-f/n)," she said trying to reach for my hand.

When she was about to touch it, I quickly moved my wheelchair backwards.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too, miss Rose, although it's not a good idea to touch me," I said, trying to explain to her.

"Come on, it can't be that bad, can it?" she said, reaching to my hand again, and this time succeeding.

The moment she touched me, her skin started to burn a bit as the pain simulated to her. Within a second, she retracted her hand back.

"Ahhh!" she screamed in pain as she tumbled back and fell to the ground.

"Ruby!" screamed a blond girl in the distance, and started to run at full speed towards me.

"Yang, wait!" Pyrrah screamed, trying to stop her.

'Why do I have the feeling that I'm about to get sho-'

Before I could finish that though, the blondie hit my jaw so hard, that it nearly flew off. I look back at her, my expression hasn't changed from the moment I met them. I slowly lift my right arm and brought it to the jaw that was barely hanging from my skin of my left cheek. I them put my jaw back to it's place as black ooze started to form around my mouth and started to heal my skin and broken bones. Once the ooze was gone, I moved my jaw around a bit, stretching the cheek muscles a bit.

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