I got some great advice from @mermaidstory808, which I think really helps, which is to have a mermaid book where you write what happen to yourself that day or facts about mermaids, and al your mermaid secrets, since I don't have a book to write this in ill just write it here.
tomorrow were swimming at school, and unfortunately theres no way out of it I tried everything!!!! I might have to use a spell, or try convince again. everyone will see my tail!! but I cant let that happen, ill tell you what happens next!!!
mermaid and siren handbook
Acaktips on how to be a mermaid or siren, spells, videos. some short mermaid and siren stories, Q&A's, fun quizzes, riddles, puzzels and much more!!! posting on {varies on where you live} Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday! {during holidays I will be...