Chapter 21

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The car rocked along the bumps of the highway, swerving every now and then to speed past the others. Haruhi's body came into contact with the back seat and she felt her arm being continuously jammed along the back. The pain caused her to furrow her eyebrows in agony as she slowly regained consciousness. Her eyes slowly opened but only darkness welcomed her. She knew that she was in the trunk of the car for the air was stuffy and had a rather nauseous smell to it. 

Where am I? she thought. 

However, she found that her arms were tied behind her and a gag was over her mouth. She fumbled around, trying to free herself but to no avail. In fact, it only gained the attention of her kidnappers. 

"My, my, it seems that the little princess has woken up," a man peered over her. 

"After months of planning and days of waiting, we finally captured you," another man said.

Their voices were deep and mocking, like those of politicians. Haruhi stared angrily at them, which further stimulated their ridiculing howls of laughter. They looked at her with condescending eyes and she knew that her capture was what brought them delight.

"Still the same arrogant little girl aren't you? Fujioka Haruhi-sama." 

"We still haven't forgotten what happened that day," another said.

"Not only did you humiliate us but you also caused us to lose our company. Did you think that we wouldn't retaliate?" 

That day?

"Now that you're in our hands, I wonder how the Ootori conglomerate will pay us?" another grinned sinisterly at her. 

"The little princess is all tied up now. Nowhere to run and nowhere to escape." 

"Don't worry. We'll bring you back to them in one piece," one said. "We think."

They roared with laughter, their grating laughs resounding through the car unpleasantly. Haruhi gritted her teeth and knew that if she just sat still, she was going to get nowhere. She had to do something to get out of this situation until help arrived. Judging from the voices she heard, she calculated that there were four guys in the car. Moreover, from what she had learned from their conversation and her recognition of the voices, it was from the same people that had been at the party from a few months back. 

"Man, that Ootori Group is going to pay for what they did," they said amongst themselves.

"You bet. After all, we have their most prized woman here with us." 

As the group of kidnappers kept on talking about what they were plotting, Haruhi couldn't help but sneer at them a little. They were revealing their plans aloud in the open, not even caring that there was a person onboard who had the capability to escape. Haruhi looked anxiously around her, trying to come up with ways to escape. 

If I open the trunk and jump out, there's a high likelihood that I'll die, she reasoned, noticing from the sounds of cars that they were on a highway. But I doubt I can attack and overpower them. 

"Hey! Until when are we going to reach there!" 

"In a few minutes," one person, presumably the driver, replied. 

So the only chance I have at escaping is when they stop the car, huh? she stared in front of her, trying to formulate a plan. But even if I do escape, I'd be immediately caught or shot down. If only I had a way to tell them my loca-!

That's it! She had totally forgotten about it! She still had her phone with her! She fumbled with her tied arms, trying to reach in her dress pocket without alerting their notice. She gazed at them as a sweat-drop rolled down her face and prayed that they won't notice her. She pressed her body against the backseat of the car to make herself less noticeable. She made out the shape of her phone and with a few clicks of the buttons, she turned the GPS on her phone; she knew that Kyoya would be notified of her location now. 

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