Chapter 9. (Boarbowl)

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Chapter 9


Garven shook snow from his pants, as he walked up on the stone road. He had been walking for a long time now, always heading south away from his castle. He was really grateful now, that his father had invested in proper roads. It had taken him a while to find it, but now everything would go much faster.

He had one clear goal in his head. To get as far away as possible from the undead and then find help to retake his castle. Or what remained of his castle after the attack, he was sure there would be very little left. Well he had friends in high places, they would probably rebuild it for him.

So he had been thinking of where to go and get this help. The best thing he could think of was the city Cirwal, it was a bit to go, but he could make it. There was several reasons he had chosen Cirwal as his goal.

Cirwal was a city of the order, with a full garrison of warriors. If Garven could get them with him, there was nothing the undead could do too stop him. The other reasons was that he knew one of the nobles at the court there, so he could count on being received well.

But to get to Cirwal in any respectable manner he needed a horse. He would prefer one of his own, but that was sadly impossible now. Their noble lives as his war steeds had been ended by the undead attacking his castle. It really was to bad, one of those horses was worth it's weight in gold.

Garven had an idea of where to get the horse he needed, there was a Inn not far away. He had passed it several times, when riding with his knights. The place was named Boarbowl, which to Garven was a ridiculous name. He guessed it came from some food they served there, boar stew most likely. Garven had never eaten something so dull as boar stew, he was a nobleman after all.

When he ate boar it was with great salads on the side and sauce, Garven liked sauce his favourite being Vélote. Garven's mouth watered when he thought about food, he hadn't eaten for almost an entire day. Not even having time with his breakfast as the undead attacked, that was also a shame, it would have been a breakfast worthy of a king.

As Graven walked down the road, thinking for himself, he didn't notice the shapes moving behind him. There was two of them, both wearing dark brown leather and black capes. They looked like a pair of highwaymen and that was probably cause that's what they were. They had been following Garven since they spotted him walking on the road. Garven's fine clothes giving him away as someone rich.

Garven felt a screaming pain in his head, as the highwaymen clubbed him down. His legs folding under him and his body collapsing to the ground. The word was blurred as Garven tried to look around him, all he could see was two black shapes standing over him.

“Got him good.” One of the men said.

“Just take his stuff now, before someone shows up.” The other one was a girl.

The two highwaymen first took Garven's sword then they searched his pockets. He didn't have much gold on him, just a few coins and a golden ring. The highwaymen weren't happy at this poor catch. They had been expecting at least a pouch full of gold, so they took out their anger on Garven, kicking him bloody.

“There you get for being so bloody poor.” The girl laughed.

“He probably stole those fine clothes.” Garven had never been so insulted, that he should have stolen anything, it was preposterous. A noble didn't steal, they took what they wanted.

“Lets go, we need to find a better catch somewhere else.” Garven couldn't hear them moving away, as he had fainted. Blood running from his forehead and hands.

It took an hour before Garven moved, everything on him hurt. He struggled up on his feet, looking down on himself. He didn't look much like a noble any more, his black tunic covered in mud and snow. Now he had to get new clothes before getting to Cirwal. He wasn't sure how he would do that now when he had no gold, but he would figure it out.

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