Chapter 14. (Charmer)

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Chapter 14


The cold winter wind tears in Airoy's hair as he makes his way through the streets of the Common district and the small wooden sheds that are all around him. He doesn't meet more than a few beggars and all that can be heard are the howling of starved street dogs.

“This place is depressing.” Airoy burst out in one of his talks about his bad luck, nobody could hear him, but that didn't matter. “And I'm stuck here, curses.” His tirade was cut short as he saw a house with a small wooden sign hanging outside, the typical mark of a tavern and food.

Airoy didn't have any money, but that wouldn't stop him from trying to get something to eat any way and there might be someone needing a sword for hire. The outside of the house that was a supposed tavern didn't strike much confidence in Airoy, winded windows and heavy curtains stopping all attempts to look in. The door was a heavy oak door that hung loosely on two rusted hinges and there was a note on the door.

Airoy stepped closer and tried to make out what the note said. He wasn't a master of reading, but what he could make out was enough. “Wanted” was the first word in big letters and further down was a number that made Airoy lick his lips at the thought of the gold, a hefty sum of one hundred gold coins was promised for a man dead or alive. Airoy studied the drawing that was under the text, not wanting to forget how the man looked and then he pulled open the door and stepped inside.

Airoy felt a strong smell of smoke fill his nose and not the legal kind of smoke, no Airoy was sure that at least something illegal was going on in the tavern shed. That didn't bother Airoy much as he wasn't really on the good side of the law himself, but it could mean someone wouldn't like him showing up uninvited.

There was two tables inside and a high bench, Airoy had heard some people talking from the outside, but when he entered everything was quiet, the people talking stopping at the sound of the door opening.

“What do you want?” A man appeared from behind a curtain leading into some kind of back room, which Airoy guessed was the kitchen. The man was old and his face weather bitten, one of his arms hung limp along his side and the other one seemed to twitch.

“I'm looking for work and something to eat.” The man eyed Airoy looking for a purse or something that told him the man demanding food could pay.

“No money, no food.”

“Don't be like that old man, give that fine gentleman some food.” A voice said from one of the tables and the tavern keeper disappeared in an instant. “And you come and sit down with us.” The man at the table waved at Airoy and smiled.

Airoy went over to the table, feeling that he might have found some work. There was four men sitting around the table, all dressed in dark cloaks and hoods. Airoy wanted to laugh at them, any guard that saw them would assume they were criminals and that wasn't how he worked.

“Sit down.” The man calling him over said, as he pulled out a free chair. Airoy wasn't sure he liked the man's way of commanding people around, but he knew he should obey, so he did.

The man had dark green eyes that shone in the damp light, his nose had a scar crossing straight over and almost splitting his face in half and when he spoke a row of rotten teeth were shown. A ugly bastard Airoy decided, but perhaps a rich ugly bastard.

“Welcome to our little meeting.” Airoy nodded, not sure what to say. Airoy wasn't used to lose his voice, but he had just noticed the man's face and it was the man on the wanted poster, Airoy was sure of it.

“Thank you, um what is your name?” Airoy wasn't sure what to do now, he was talking to a walking gold purse, should he kill the man now or wait?

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