Chapter 13. (Matt)

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Chapter 13


The door closed behind Raym and Mira and they had reached Cirwal alive. They stood there just staring as they had never seen a city and everything looked so amazing to them. There was people everywhere some in red, some in blue and yellow. Then there was horses, soldiers, peddlers and nobles all moving around in a crowd that looked like a horde of ants too Raym.

“Wow how can so many people live here?” Mira asked and Raym had nothing to tell her, it was all new to him and he didn't like the feeling of being small and unimportant he got by see all these people.

“The city is very big, I'm sure there is room for everyone in the Saint's city.” Raym hoped there would at least be room for him and Mira.

The city of Cirwal was split in several districts the trade district, the common district, the temple district and the noble district. The last two were behind the second wall and protected from any peasant revolts, while the other two and the people living there had to trust the first wall for protection.

The temple district was home to the Citadel of Repentance the home of the Order and the high judge in all religious matters. There was also two huge cathedrals both dedicated to one of the saint's wings, the holiest of all relics in the kingdom and the only parts of the Saint that was ever found after her death. These buildings dominated Cirwal's skyline and when standing on the streets and looking up all you could see was huge towers of stone.

The nobles living in Cirwal was always reminded by this when left their mansions and it annoyed them to no end, so it had become a competition between the nobles and the church to show who was the richest. A fight the nobles were doomed to lose as they had no right to taxes in this city, the church taking all taxes too fund the great war.

The traders district was the place of the main gate and that was were Raym and Mira was standing right now. It covered one fourth of the outer city and most of that was taken up by a big square were all the merchants that arrived could sell their wares. The biggest part of the outer city was were all commoners lived, in a varying degree of poverty. Some living a decent life with a house for their family and a work that gave a steady income Then there was the not so lucky people, families sharing house with several other families and having to beg for food or starve.

Mira grabbed Raym's hand at smiled at him. “So what do we do now?” She asked.

“Well a place to stay for today I think would be a good start.” Raym tried to sound sure as he really wanted to know what to do and how.

“Feel free to lead the way, I feel very lost here.” Raym wanted to hand the responsibility to someone else, but they were alone now and they had to make it, so he nodded before taking the first step away from the gate and into the city.

“Hey watch it!” Raym barley avoided a carriage as it came up behind him. “Bloody peasants!” The man on the carriage kept going and Raym was afraid he stop and walk up to them, but soon the carriage was lost in the sea of people.

“You al right Raym?” Mira asked as they started moving again, but Raym didn't hear her, the sound of all the people making all sound one and any details impossible to make out.

Raym stopped at a bench selling meat, his mouth watering at the sight of some real food. “Lets get something to eat.” He didn't wait for Mira to reply before stepping up to the bench and drawing the attention of the man standing there.

“What do you want?” The man was fat and his double chin almost made Raym laugh, but he stopped himself with a smile. The man wasn't happy at all and his mouth was a thin line of displeasure that this youngling would walk up to him.

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