Chapter 15. (Recruits)

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Chapter 15


Garven, Garven.” Garven was standing at the edge of a huge cliff and from somewhere he could her a voice. Looking down he couldn't see the ground just darkness.

I know how they insulted you.” Garven didn't like this dream, it felt unreal and he couldn't wake up.

I can help you.” Garven was sure he didn't want this things help.

Don't deny it, you want revenge for how they have treated you.” Garven tried his hardest to wake up, but nothing happened.

We will talk again” A sudden pain in his wounded leg made Garven scream and he was awake again.

He opened his eyes and looked around in the dark shed to see if anyone had heard his scream, but everyone was still sleeping. “Get up!” A soldier appeared as the doors were opened and the morning light filled the shed. Everyone woke up as the soldier kept on shouting and anyone too slow at getting up received a kick.

“Walk outside all of you!” The peasants and Graven followed a soldier out to a walled of traning yard.

“Attention!” Garven turned his gaze from the ground which he had been studding for the last half hour trying to figure out a way from this mess. Garven and a whole bunch of stinking peasants had been herded into a yard next to the Order barracks and now they were waiting out in the cold morning for something to happen. Graven had tried to talk to the guards, but that only earned him a punch. He was a Caulion and now not treated like nothing more than a peasant, his ancestors would be turning in their graves.

There was a woman standing in front of Garven and the other recruits and it was she who had shouted just a second ago. She was dressed in a full set of chain mail and over that the white tabard of the Order, the red wings clearly visible in the early morning light. Her face was like carved in stone and she had a very annoyed look in her green eyes. “Is that how you stand at attention?” She shouted and everyone tried to stand straighter.

“I am Infantry Commander Kelsey and I have been choose to whip you “volunteers” into shape.” Kelsey spat as she mentioned that they were all new recruits, it made them almost as bad as Shadow touched to her.

“You will all be given weapons and armour and then we will train, we will train until you all faint of exhaustion and then we will do it all again.” Garven wanted to shout and scream that it was all a mistake he was a noble and he deserved better.

“And then when when we are ready, we will march on horrors of Fellmoore and triumph.” Garven looked around him at the peasants and highly doubted they could triumph over anything more than an army of blind.

The armoury is to the right and I want a line formed outside.” Kelsey pointed over at a big red door and the house the door belonged to. There was five chimneys Garven could see and a constant hammering could be heard from inside.

There was a thousand people gathered in the yard and the line went in several bends. Garven ended up behind a man that was limping one of his legs longer than the other and it made Garven shake his head, these people would be fodder for the Shadow touched.

Two soldiers opened each side of the door and the line began its slow walk forward. Garven shuddered when he came inside, his body relaxing at the heat coming from the forges, he had been sleeping on the cold ground all night and now he was so cold he couldn't even feel the wound in his leg any more. A wound that irritated him everyday and it just got worse.

The insides of the armoury was filled with weapons and the sound of hammers making more every minute. There was swords long and short, axes, maces and spears. There was also armour a bit further into the armoury.

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