Chapter 16. (Horns of War)

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Chapter 16

Horns of War

“Open the gates!” All the guards on the wall rushed to obey their Commander and the huge gate in Cirwal's outer wall swung open.

Outside the gate was three riders the Red colours of Archen displayed on their tabards, they all three dismounted and free of their burden the horses collapsed to the ground. “Poor animals.” The younger of the three, a boy that was only a page.

“They did their job now we must do ours.” A big man with clear blue eyes and hair that was turning grey in the edges said. He was in a horrible mood as they walked to beg the Order for help, his name was Deva and he was a Paladin of the Order. A warrior living for the killing of Shadow touched and not to run on a diplomatic mission when the enemy arrived at the doorstep. Still he knew why he had been sent, if anyone could convince the Order to send help it was him.

“What message is so important to force you to ride all through the night?” The Commander of the guard Deva as they entered the city.

“You will notice in the morning.” Deva said as he and his two companions walked towards the Temple district not stopping for anyone.

The Citadel of Repentance looks just as intimidating as always Deva thought as they stood just inside the golden gate separating the holiest of places with the rest of the world. Deva wasn't sure who decorated this place, but statues clad in gold was a team they had gone all out on. There was statues of the Saint, her brother, her wings, her sword and then there was statues of all the different leaders of the Order.

Coming down from a marble stair and making her way towards Deva was a person he had longed to meet. “Commander Kelsey what are you doing up at this hour?” Deva smiled and gave her a big hug.

“Just curious what ill news you bring that can wake every high priest of the Citadel in the middle of the night. Deva's smile vanished as he remembered why he was here and what he had to do. “I see, it really is bad new then.” Kelsey took his arm. “Well Uncle lets go tell these priests it's time for war.” They both laughed and it echoed through the halls of the Citadel.

“Yes lets do that, before they grow restless waiting for us.”

The Hall of Assembly was a large circular room located in the middle of the Citadel and it was there all the priests and War masters of the Order gathered when it was time to decide on anything that involved helping the nobles of Glynravia.

Deva was standing in front of the mightiest people in the Kingdom, except perhaps the King, but it didn't make him nervous. He was a veteran of the front line and the only thing that made him nervous was when the Shadow touched brought on of their larger kind to battle.

“My Lords.” Deva started telling everything he knew. “There is Shadow touched and Undead are attacking Castle Archen.” Some people laughed and Deva heard the word “impossible more than once. “And that is not all, I bring news from the front line.” Deva had been on his way back from the front and it was only luck that he was resting in Castle Archen when the enemy arrived, so now he had two messages to bring.

“What news?” One of the War masters demanded to know.

“The High Command on the front is certain a big push is coming and they need more men.” The priests moved uneasy in their seats, soldiers were costly and you didn't send them around the realm just to march all the way back when you discovered they were unnecessary. “They would like to request that ten thousand men is sent there right now.” Deva knew this would be taken very badly and it did.

“Outrageous!” “Impossible!” “Madness!” Chaos erupted as everyone started screaming, most screamed against the idea and that the High Command most all be mad, but some understood that it was serious and wanted men to be sent at once.

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