A New Challenge...

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It has only been a couple of days since we had been saved by the Rebel Fleet commanded by June Sato. I finally got to meet the infamous 'Fulcrum' but it turns out that 'Fulcrum' was not at all who I expected to be! I imagined that 'Fulcrum' was a male of a warriors origin story who was huge and intimidating, but who 'Fulcrum' really was was none of that. Ahsoka Tano, a.k.a. 'Fulcrum', is a female Togruta around the age of 30 who was once a Jedi Knight but has since fallen from the order she once called home. She now helps lead the Rebellion from the shadows giving information to small rebel cell's so they can do some damage to the rebellion. Not that I am disappointed but I just expected someone else.

On another topic was the crew. Kanan was doing better and was recovering quickly from the torture he endured aboard Governor Tarkin's Star Destroyer. Chopper had not changed a bit. He still pulled pranks on everyone but I think he did it to lift up our spirits. Zeb and Hera were also doing quite well after the events that happened when we rescued Kanan. The only one's who was hurting was me and Ezra. When Ezra blacked out and almost died aboard the Star Destroyer our connection had been weakened severely. We could no longer share each others thoughts nor could we communicate with emotions. We were cut off from one another. It did not help that, since our crew became involved with the Rebellion, Me and Ezra have not gotten more than a few seconds of alone time with each other. He hadn't even begun to move into my room with me. I was beginning to feel forgotten, but I knew deep down that I could not give up on Ezra. 

'He never quit on me so I could never quit on him.' I thought to myself.

I walked into the commander center and was met with Commander Sato, Ahsoka, and the rest of the 'Ghost' crew. They talked about strategy and planned out there next move on attacking the Empire. I walked over to Ezra. I needed to talk to him.

"Ezra?" I whispered.

"What is it Sabine?" He asked in a quiet and gentle tone.

"Do you think we could go back to my cabin and talk privately for a while?" I asked him.

He did not get the chance to answer. Just after I had asked the question, Chopper came blazing through the doors to the commander center beeping wildly about having an important transmission. Kanan said some snarky and out of character comment before receiving a death stare from Hera. Hera turned her attention back to Chopper.

"Chop. Cloak us with a one way video transmission." Hera told her droid.

Chopper complied and a figure appeared.

"Hey look it's old Joe!" Ezra said with excitement.

"Although I can not see you I can hear you my friends. There is someone here who is desperate to see ya. I told her I couldn't reach you but she would not take no for an answer." Joe said.

"We are always ready to help someone in need." Kanan replied jumping to his feet.

"You say that but this one is... different." Joe answered Kanan before scratching his head and stepping aside.

It was Minister Tua!

"Mnister Tua!" I exclaimed.

"Chop. End the transmission." Kanan barked almost immediately changing from willing to help to not wanting to help at all.

"No! Please. Hear me out." Minister Tua urged.

"Minister. We are listening." Hera said bluntly.

"I need your help. I need safe passage off Lothal." Minister Tua said in a nervous tone.

"Why should we help or even trust her. She is an Imperial!" Zeb stated.

"Yeah. What if this is just some sort of trap to lure us in." I said being wary of Minister Tua.

"I ensure you that my intentions are sincere and to prove it I am willing to trade Secret Imperial Information." Tua said before looking over her shoulder as if she was afraid of something.

"You are defecting from the Empire?" I questioned her.

"Yes... I am." Tua said admittingly. 

"What kind of information?" Hera questioned.

"There is a list... of Rebel sympathizers on Lothal." Tua said.

"How do we know that they haven't been captured?" Sato questioned her.

"Most have powerful friends in the Senate. The Empire can keep tabs on them but can do nothing about them... I know you need allies... Get me off of Lothal and I will give you that list." Tua said starting to get impatient.

I joined the discussion with Hera, Sato, and Kanan. We quietly discussed the pro's and con's for a little bit before Ezra spoke up.

"We have to do this. The whole purpose of the Rebellion is to help those who can not help themselves." He argued.

"Plus her list will help us out." He added smugly.

We all turned to him. I admired his bravery and how he took command when no one could make a decision. He reminded me of myself and that's what I admired most about him.

"Then it's settled." Kanan said.

"If Commander Sato approves the mission?" Hera added.

"I believe it is worth the risk." Sato replied joyfully.

"Then it is settled. Minister Tua we will get you off Lothal." Ezra said.

"Thank you. Transmitting my coordinates now." Tua said in a relieved tone of voice before the transmission fizzled out.

Ezra walked back over to me after things had calmed down and Hera was out with Zeb, Kanan, and Chopper preparing a shuttle to extract Minister Tua from Lothal. 

"Sorry Sabine. I never answered your question. What was it again." He said in a caring manor.

"Do you think we could go back to my cabin and talk privately for a while?" I asked him again.

"Sure." Ezra replied.

I had only one thing on my mind in that instant. 

'I am finally getting some alone time with Ezra.' I thought to myself gleefully.

~A/N: So this is the first Chapter of the new story and I want to know if you guys like it, hate it, or what your true thoughts are about the direction of the story. Do you like the little Sabezra moments and do you think they should be more detailed? Do you want to see more of them? Less of them? Please tell me your thoughts in the comments down below! 

Thank You all for reading!


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