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I watched as Kanan jumped into Hyperspace towards Concord Dawn.

"Wonder how long it will take Kanan to find out Sabine is aboard?" I asked Chopper and Zeb, chuckling a little to lighten the overcast of glum faces.

Neither responded with words, but a smile creeped across Zeb's lips as he thought about how Kanan would react when or if he did find Sabine.

"Common. Let's go check on Hera." I suggested.

Both looked at me like I was crazy but then understood why I had suggested that. Zeb and I walked side by side and Chopper moved along ahead of us until we got to the medical bay.

Chopper ran of before even seeing Hera which was odd because out of all the people in the galaxy Hera would be the one he would sacrafice himself for. I shrugged it off and me and Zeb walked in.

Hera was in rough shape. Her breathing raspy. Her skin burnt black in some places. Her clothing torn and bandages wrapped around her in places where shrapnel had cut or pierced her body. Even through the force she felt cold, hurt, scared, alone...

Hours passed as me and Zeb took turns watching over Hera. We were in the middle of transitioning between who was up and who was asleep when a group of medical droids and staff began to race around in a flurry of controlled chaos setting up equipment and medical apparatuses before sprinting off with a stretcher.

I must have looked scared or something because I felt another familiar signature through the force. The same cold as I felt falling off of Hera but it belonged to someone else. It drew closer and closer until the doors slammed wide open and I finally got to see who was so familiar and when I did I felt sick to my stomach and nearly fainted because of it. My heart ached as I began to sob seeing her like that.

'Why did I let you go on that mission Sabine...'


I started to see things more clearly and could make out a very upset Zeb. I also saw a weeping Ezra and Kanan trying to console him. Chopper was quietly warbling net to a still recovering Hera. Here was my family, broken and scared.

"Guys?" I ask drowsily as if waking from a deep slumber.

"SABINE!" Ezra yelled with enthusiasm.

Tears rolled down his cheeks as he embraced me tightly saying things in such a blur I couldn't keep up.

I pressed my idex finger tip to his lips.

"Shhh. I am right here." I said tring to give him closure.

I glanced over to Hera's bed side expecting to see her resting but was amazed to see her and Kanan holding a embrace much like the one I held with Ezra.

I watched as Zeb escorted Chopper away as the couples were rejoined. Now every time was back to normal.

Well, almost normal. There was one thing I still was unsure about and needed to be checked out...

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