Escaping Darkness

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Kanan and Ezra ignited their blue light sabers filling the darkness with red, blue, and purple hues. The dark figure advanced and Kanan was caught of guard almost falling over. Kanan pushed back and started to win but then he was grabbed by the wrists. He was lifted up off his feet and the dark figure squeezed his wrists until Kanan was in so much pain that he dropped his light saber. The dark figure then threw Kanan against a pile of crates rendering him unconscious. I tried to run to Kanan to help him but was forced to run back to cover because of the amount of blaster fire that was heading in my general direction. When I looked around for Hera and Zeb I found that they too were pinned by blaster fire and couldn't provide aid let alone cover fire for a tactical maneuver. There was little to nothing I could do.


I watched in horror when Kanan was thrown into a pile of crates. I focused my attention on the dark figure when I saw a flash of red light pass in front of my eyes. The dark figure outstretched one of his hands and used force push to knock me over when I stumbled backwards trying to reposition myself to better counter his attacks. He then picked me up with the force and slammed me against the leg of an AT-ST walker. He held me in the air against the cold metal. He deactivated his light saber and with his now freed hand he moved my arm, with my ignited light saber in hand, towards my throat.

"You are a fool to think you could have become a Jedi!" The figure said coldly.

I fought my own arm for survival knowing that any break in focus would be my downfall, but I was no match for this darkside user.


I watched in horror as the dark figure moved Ezra's light saber to his throat. I could do nothing to save him. If I tried to shoot at the dark figure I would have to stand up and I knew that if I stood up at all I would die before I could even line up a shot. I began to tear up behind my helmet. I felt my eye's start to burn and my face became very hot under my helmet. I turned away not wanting to watch Ezra die. 

'Why must tragedy always come to those I love!' I exclaimed in my thoughts.

I turned to look at where I last saw Kanan and I saw nothing. Then I heard the loudest war cry I had ever heard since my time on Mandalor.

"No!" I heard Kanan yelled as he made the dark figure reignite his light saber.

Ezra fell back to the ground. He got up slowly, but when he did he ran to Kanan's side trying to even out the heated duel that the dark figure was clearly winning. I was fed up with this cowardice. I looked across the battle field at Hera and Zeb. When Hera caught my gaze I gave her a nod of my head and stood up into the hail fire that was raining down on me. By the grace of Mando'a every shot missed me and I took down several troopers with my Webstar-35's. I cleared a hole and advanced pushing the Imperial line backwards as I went. Hera and Zeb stood up now that they had an opening and together we killed all the troopers on the flight deck. When I looked over to see how Kanan and Ezra were doing I saw Kanan receive a slash across the paldron on his shoulder. Instinctively I threw a grenade at the feet of and AT-ST walker. When the grenade went off the walker tilted forwards aiming to fall to the ground.

"Now!" I heard Kanan scream.

I watched as Kanan and Ezra both used force push and practically threw the dark figure under the falling mass.

The busted up AT-ST laid there on the ground. Fire engulfing the surrounding area where it landed. 

'There is no way anyone could have survived that.' I thought to myself.

Just as Kanan and Ezra were had turned and were walking to the shuttle a loud creaking noise of metal against metal could be heard. The AT-ST started to rise off the ground. As it rose higher the more and more afraid I became. 

"If that did not kill him! Then what will!?" Ezra shouted in surprise and shock.

"Not us!" Kanan shouted.

"Run!" Kanan ordered Ezra.

Me, Hera, Zeb, and Chopper were already aboard the ship. Chopper began to take off as Ezra and Kanan ran for the shuttle. I needed to buy them some time. I took out one of my Webstar-35's and shot to shots at the figure. He activated his red light saber and deflected them back at me. I watched in horror as the yellow laser bolts came flying back at me. I couldn't move fast enough to dodge them. Time slowed to a crawl as one bolt hit me in the chest and the other, just moments later, hitting me in the head. I felt cold as I collapsed onto my knee's before falling over. Sounds that should have been clear became slurred and my vision faded until my eye's could no longer take it and unknowingly began to close. 


I watched as Sabine fell out of my vision and into the cargo bay of the shuttle. Thankfully she did not fall out of the shuttle but I was still scared for her life. I tried to contact her through our connection but got no reply. That is when I felt the excruciating pain she was feeling through our connection. I felt her heartbeat slow and her eye lids becoming heavy. I force leaped into the shuttle and so did Kanan. The figure just stood there staring at us menacingly through the cold, red lenses of his black mask breathing heavily like he had at the start of the battle.

Kanan closed the rear boarding ramp and collapsed on a bench holding his shoulder and grunting in pain as the ship flew through the turbulent winds of Lothal. I turned my attention to Sabine. I watched as her chest rose and fell in a relaxed manor. But that is when I noticed the blood pooling underneath her. I quickly grabbed the medical supplies of the back wall and ran back to her. I kneeled down next to her and saw where the shots had hit her. One had slid in between the pieces of her chest plate and had pierced her lung on the left side of her body. The other shot had been absorbed in her helmet thankfully. I slid her helmet off and tilted her head sideways so she wouldn't choke if she started coughing or needed to throw-up. I cut through the fabric of her black body suit after I had removed the pieces that made up her chest plate. The cut away her bra so it would not get in the way. I took a scalpel from the kit and made a cut across the wound so I could could close the hole on either side of her lung. I stitched the holes shut and drained the blood from her lungs. Next I gently lifted her up and cut away the fabric from her back before cleaning and stitching the hole in her back shut. When I laid her back down I started to clean the wound on the front of her body and prepared myself to stitch the last part of the wound shut, but before I could Sabine shot up gasping like she had just woken up from a nightmare. She looked panicked and she began to freak out. I grabbed a hold of her shoulders and pushed my lips against hers. I waited for her response and sure enough Sabine started to calm down. We kissed for a little while longer but soon I needed to breath and broke the kiss.

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