Cold And Dark

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I felt relief when Sabine told me she was not upset at me for me breaking our bond. I remade the connection with her and when I sent her my first thought since I separated us her face glowed with happiness. She pulled me into another tight embrace and squeezed me till I couldn't breath.

'Sabine... can't breath...' I sent to her.

"Oh... oops... sorry Ezra... I was just excited I guess..." She said to me.

She nervously wrapped her index finger with a few strands of her hair.

"I understand." I replied placing an open hand on her cheek.

Sabine nuzzled her head against my hand and closed her eyes. I leaned forward and kissed her. Just a peck on her lips. As I drew a way she wrapped her arms around the back of my neck and pulled me into another kiss. 

"Eh-hem." Hera interjected.

Me and Sabine broke the kiss and we both blushed in vibrant shades of pink.

"Now that that is done... can we get back to preparing for this mission that we have to leave for in 3 MINUTES!" Hera screamed.

I raced around and grabbed my gear and so did Sabine and we ran down to the shuttle Hera had prepared for the mission.

"So we are taking this instead of the 'Ghost'?" Sabine questioned.

"After the stunt we pulled over Mustafar there is a good chance the Empire knows how to track the 'Ghost' now. This is the best option we have." Hera remarked.

"So we are letting Chopper drive?" Sabine asked with a hint of annoyance.

No one responded to that question.

Chopper detached us from the command ship and set a course for Lothal.

When we landed on the planets surface Me, Sabine, Kanan, and Hera left Chopper and Zeb with the shuttle in case we needed an alternate route of escape. When we got to the coordinates provided to us by Minister Tua there was not just a few guards, but instead there was an entire security detail.

"I guess Minister Tua is in more trouble than we thought." I said worriedly to the group.

"We need a plan." Hera stated.

"Well... while you are working on that I am going to make some new friends." Kanan said rudely.

"New friends?" Hera asked with a mixture of anger and concern.

"What? It will be fun." Kanan teased.

Hera just glared at him.

"Don't worry General Hera." Kanan said sarcastically while he faked trying to sound reassuring.

Hera looked really upset with him for that comment. Her hands turned into fists like she was ready to punch him.

'What is with him?' I thought to myself.

'I don't know.' Sabine sent back to me.

I forgot that me and Sabine had reinstated our connection and forgot to put up my mental walls when trying to think to myself.

Kanan walked up next to a storm trooper and wrapped one of his arms around him trying to act friendly until they turned the corner and that is when Kanan knocked the trooper out cold. When the trooper came back around the corner he looked in our direction and saluted.

"He really has gone bucket head." Sabine gasped.

"I'm jealous. I only have the helmet." I replied trying to break the anger and tension I could sense falling off of Hera.

It worked a little bit and Hera refocused on the mission at hand. Me, Hera, and Sabine went up to the roof's and each of us hid behind some different kinds of cover. Hera hid behind a domed roof. Sabine hid behind a ventilation shaft and I hid behind a power generator. I turned on my comlink and waited to give everyone the signal. Kanan signaled us from the ground to tell us he was in position.

When I heard the echo of a speeding transport I looked through a pair of binoculars that Hera had given me and saw that the Minister was not alone. 

"Here she comes, but she has company." I told Hera over the comlink.

"Agent Callus." I replied.

I watched as Minister Tua nervously walked and talked with Agent Callus as they entered the hangar. I gave Sabine the signal and she jumped down into the alleyway across the street from the hangar.

"Hey!" She shouted and started to draw their fire.

Callus and the Minister backed up into the Hangar where Kanan closed the blast doors and sealed them by shooting the control panel.

I jumped down into the Hangar with Hera and a battle ensued between us and Callus. Sabine soon joined the fight when she took the speeder from outside and flew it to the roof before letting it crash back down to the street below. She stay on the roof and made Callus dive for cover and unable to return fire.

"Minister. Get to the shuttle! We will cover you!" I told her.

"Right!" She said acknowledging my request and began to run for the shuttle.

Me, Kanan, and Hera fallowed in pursuit.

Just as the Minister had boarded the shuttle, it exploded in a huge ball of flames.

"Minister Tua!" Hera said in shock.

"You did this!" Callus screamed as he regained cover from Sabine and the capabilities to fire at us.

I heard something Sabine said over our com-channel, but I could not make out what is was she actually said because I was too focused on the fight.

Zeb and Chopper descended into the hangar moments later and Me, Kanan, and Hera jumped aboard. Sabine jumped aboard when we reached the top of the hanger and we tried to fly away. 

"Well that was..." Zeb started to say before the ship violently shook.  

All went black.

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