The Talk.

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I lead Ezra through the winding hallways of the command ship until we got to the airlock that the 'Ghost' was attached to. I was so glad that me and Ezra were going to be able to have some time that was our own that I tripped going through the airlock. I expected to crash into the ground, but before I could I felt something stop me. I turned to see Ezra had grabbed my hand and was holding me in suspension. He smirked and I blushed. He pulled me back up onto my feet and felt his other arm wrap around me until I regained my sense of balance. Once I had though he pulled his arm that was wrapped around me away and let go of my hand. His smirk faded into a frown and he slumped his head. He turned away from me and proceeded to walk into the 'Ghost'. 

When we got to my room I opened the door and I expected him to walk in with me or at least after I did, but instead he just stood there. He was still hanging his head and I thought I heard him sniffle like he was going to cry. 

"Ezra... Are you okay?" I asked him gently and walking towards him. 

He did not answer. He just stood there, frozen. 

When I got close to him I sunk down to his eye level and put my hand under his chin. He looked up and that is when I saw his reddened cheeks and his tear filled eyes. I tried to pull him into a tight embrace but he resisted and tried to push me away. I held onto his jacket and eventually, with my persistence, he gave in and wrapped his arms around me as well. I heard him whisper something but I did not hear it clearly. 

"Could you repeat that Ezra. I couldn't hear you." I asked quietly.

"I am sorry Sabine." He replied. His voice filled with regret.

"For what? You have not done anything wrong." I told him gently still trying to sooth him.

"I broke our force connection! It was not for the fact I that I was dying that it broke! I just did not want you to feel the same pain I would experience if I died!" He yelled before breaking our embrace and running into his room.

I was in shock. 

'He broke the force connection we shared?!' I thought angrily.

But as I mulled over what he said I found no reason to be upset with him. I crossed the hall and knocked in his door. Nobody answered. I knocked two more times and on the last time I listened for any movement in the room. Nothing moved, just complete silence. I feared the worst and I hacked into the control panel and opened the door myself. 

The room was dark and none of the lights were turned on. I searched the room and thankfully I found Ezra. He was huddled in a corner with a black bed sheet wrapped around him. He tried to run but I grabbed his arm and pulled him into another tight embrace, but this time I squeezed him so hard he couldn't get away. He still tried to escape but before he had the chance to I met his lips with my own. He stopped moving and stopped trying to run away after a few seconds and I released my tight hold on him. We kissed until he needed to break for air. 

"I thought you would hate me when I told you the truth?" He asked desperate for answers to what just occurred.

"I thought you would want to end our relationship and leave me on the next desolate rock the crew stopped at." he stated and began to tear up again.

"No Ezra." I cooed.

"I was upset when you told me the truth at first... but I came to realized after you told me that you were trying to protect me because you love me." I said gently.

Ezra broke out in sobs. All his emotional tension released at the same time and dominated his control over his emotions. I held him close and he cried into my shoulder as I rubbed his back slowly.

After a couple of minutes his sobs turned into the occasional sniffle. 

"Thank you for this Sabine." He said quietly.

"I do it because I love you Ezra." I replied.

I felt a familiar tug at the back of my mind.

'I love you too Sabine.' 

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