"Worry about loving yourself, instead of loving the idea of other people loving you"
Confidence is not
"They will like me"
Confidence is
"I'll be fine if they don't"👣starring
Ong Seongwoo
📍Very friendly human being
📍You'll like him at the first time know each other
📍Less of confident
📍Always thinking his face is not handsome enough
📍Rather than being called handsome, he deserves to be called beautiful"Seongwoo-ya, berminat kerja part-time? Menjadi model freelance seperti Hyunbin."
"Hmm.. Kurasa tidak. Wajahku biasa-biasa saja dan tidak menarik. Memangnya ada yang mau membeli majalah dengan wajahku terpampang di depannya?"
Kang Daniel
📍Look at his smile and you'll fall in love right after that
📍Once he decides something, he will not give up
📍Being cute then change to hot in 1 second
📍Cat, Cuddle, Bed"Bin, yang memakai sweater cokelat siapa?"
"Ah! Dia Ong Seongwoo. Teman Minhyun-hyung. Kenapa?"
"Dia menarik. Kau punya kontaknya?"
Unconfident!Ong dan Positive!DanielMencoba terjun kedunia wattpad membawa cerita pasangan receh ini.
Sebenernya mau pake bahasa non-baku. Tapi karena gak biasa ya tetep baku deh wkwk.Berminatkah?
Vomments yaa 😊😊😊
audentes | ongniel;nielong
Fanfic[REST] Bercerita tentang Ong Seongwoo dan kepercayaan dirinya dan Kang Daniel yang berusaha mengembalikan hal tersebut.