8. Dally

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Ponyboy and I were at the movies a couple weeks later, sharing a popcorn and drinking our own sodas. No one else in the gang wanted to come, which was fine. I liked spending quality time with my best friend. These past few weeks, I felt like I learned so much more about the gang, thus making me closer to them emotionally. They all became like my brothers, except for Johnny. I felt a special spark with him that I can't explain, I often spent most night talking and laughing with him.

Suddenly, someone sat next to me. I looked to see who it was, and it was some tall blonde kid with elvish features. He wore a leather jacket, and carried a I don't give a fuck attitude. He stared at the screen, and he reached over and grabbed some of our popcorn.

"Hey!" I snapped. "Watch it."

"Riley, who are you talking to?" Pony whispered.

I looked at the stranger and he stared at me in awe, chewing with his mouth open.

"You can see me?" He asked.

"If this is some sick joke-" I whispered.

"Name's Dally, pleased to meet ya." He said, bringing his hand out to shake. I tucked my feet up onto my seat and scooted closer to Ponyboy.

"Go away." I mouthed.

"What?" He asked loudly, putting his hand back.

"Dally." I whispered, squinting my eyes to get a better look at him. "Dallas Winston?"

"You bet." He smirked.

"You're the worst person I've ever heard of." I whispered harshly.

"But you have heard of me?" He smirked.

"Just, leave me alone." I said, shakily. I was scared of him, if the stories were true, he is a monster.

"Okay, man, you Chihuahua." He rolled his eyes.

"Dally?" Johnny asked. He appeared right next to him.

"Johnny?" Dally said, turning around. They slammed themselves into a hug, before quickly shaking it off.

"I ain't seen you around." Johnny muttered.

"Ain't seen you none either." Dally said. "Who's the broad?"

"That's Riley. She is the only one who can see us." Johnny answered.

"Is that so? Like one of em, psychic types." Dally snapped his fingers.

"Guess so." Johnny chuckled.

"Man, I've met one other. I decided to see the world, knowing that no one could hear or see me none. So, I tried to hop a plane to France. But the blasted attendant could see me and forced me off the plane. Man, that pissed me off. Sucks my fist went right through her head."

"You sure are tuff, Dally." Johnny said in awe.

"I knew I shoulda visited, but I didn't think youse was here."

"I've been. All alone until Riley came."

"She can hear us, right?" Dally whispered.

"Think so. We might be talking too quietly for her to hear."

"Riley." Dally whispered. "Riiiiiii-"

"I can hear you." I whispered harshly.

"Oh." Johnny chuckled.

"I'm gonna stick around some, that okay?"

"Of course, Dal." Johnny smiled up at his hero.

"Are them two together?" Dally asked, pointing to us.

"No." Johnny said quickly. "She is Pony's new best friend."

"Man, that must sting." Dally said.

"Not really." Johnny smiled at me.

"Watch this, man." Dally said. He walked over to Pony and I and flipped our popcorn. It spilled all on the ground.

"Way to go, Riles." Ponyboy chuckled.

"That ain't me." I defended and glared at Dally who snickered.

"Asshole." I mouthed to him. He kept cracking up.

Dally kept poking me or getting in my way during the movie, and I couldn't do anything about it without making a scene.

Man, I need a smoke.

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