The Part With The Reunions

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Kara's POV

I stood there with about a million faces looking back at me, most of which i knew.

The first part of eyes i meet are Winns.

He stumbles out of his chair and stands staring at me in disbelief.

"Hey." I smile widley.

My smile spreads to him, "You've been gone for like a month, and all i get is a hey?"

He opens his arm as if expecting an immediate hug amd smiles, "I need more than a 'hey'." he tells me.

I walk quickly towards him and wrap my arms around him.

"I'm glad you're home." He tells me, quietly.

"Me too." I whisper back.

The next person i see is Hank, who smiles wider than Eliza once had when i told her i was accepted into University.

"Supergirl, good to have you back." Hank attempts to keep it proffesional.

Screw professional. I walk up, hugging him too. He hugs me back, despite the strong reputation he must uphold. "It's good to be back." I say through the hug.

I pull apart from J'onn and look around the room. "Where is he?" I ask mainly to Winn.

Winn looks to his left and then right, before looking over his shoulder and doing a full 360 turn.

"Ummm, James is uh," I shoot him a look. As much as James is a close friend to me too, he knows i was talking about Mon-El.

Winn nods his head knowingly before saying, "He's at your apartment." I nod at him with a smile.

"James is at Cat. Co in case you were wondering!" He yells from behind me as i stride confidently towards the place i call home. Or rather, the person.

I fly, rather than bus or walk.

When i arrive at my apartment i knock on my door, thinking to suprise him.

He opens the door and his eyes grow wide, a smile spreading across both our faces.

"Kara! You're home!" He yells.

"I'm home." I repeat and jump into his arms.

He picks me up off my feet and spins me around causing me to giggle into his neck.

This, this is home.


I caught up with Mon-El on my 'vacation'. He told me everything that happened while i was gone, i just sat there and listened to his voice.

That beautiful, heavenly voice.

Alex showed up after a while, so Mon-El left us to talk.

We sit down on our signature blue couch and Alex starts talking right away.

"Are you going to tell me now?" She asks me.

"Tell you what?" I ask confused at the sudden question.

"What was going on with you and Barry?"


I have to tell her, even though now it's over and done with, she still needs to know.

I sigh, then start. "When i first came to Barry's earth, he took me in and treated me like i had been one of his closest friends his entire life."

She tilts her head a bit, becoming kind of intriuged.

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