Third Encounter

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My Dearest Peggy,
   I have some disappointing news. On the previous battlefield, I was shot in the leg. The wound was pretty severe, so I'll be staying in the tents for a while. I miss you so much right now. If only you were here with me...
                                           Love, Lafayette

I squinted at the paper, brushing my hand over the paper. It was comforting to know he was still alive. But, as comforting as that may seem, he was still injured. I closed the letter, hiding it away from my father as he walked into the room.

"Peggy. Stephen is here." My father glared down at me.

"What's this?" He asked, opening the dresser
that I had placed Lafayette's letter in.

There was nothing I could do. He had already grabbed it before I could make any excuses.

"Marquis De Lafayette.."  He tore the paper in half.
I felt water leaking from my eyes.
Stephen walked into the room, witnessing mercilessly upon my sad face.

"No more of that foolishness, Peggy."
He tossed the letter into the nearby fire.
No, no...
"Please, Father-" My voice was breaking.
"I will make sure to see fit that no more letters shall be received from him from here on." His gray eyebrows furrowed menacingly.
He nodded, avoiding the subject.
"Stephen." He said, leaving the room.

I glared at Stephen as he closed the door behind his father. There was a red mark on his face that I had placed there.
"Peggy. We must talk." He pulled over a chair from the table.
He took a seat, and I stayed rooted in my chair by my dresser.
I stared back at my face in the mirror. Streaks of tears ran down my cheeks.
"My, what's the matter?" Stephen said, dragging him chair closer to me. He placed his hand on my cheekbone.
"You know well what the matter was." I said, dragging him hand away.
He smiled, his signature devilish smile.
"No more writing to that vagabond."

"You have no right to speak of him that way. It's not like you're any better." I scowled at him.

"Peggy, Peggy, Peggy, how naïve. He's done this thing to countless other women. Don't deny it." His voice hushed into a deep whisper.

"Lies." I said, jerking my head to it's side.

He continued to ramble on more.
"We both know his crew... Alexander, Laurens.." There was a pause. "Mulligan, And Burr. All of them are fools. What makes Lafayette any different?" He ran his hand through my hair.
"What makes you any different?" I stood up, turning to my vanity. I took a seat at the high chair. There was a long silence.
He stood up, walking over to me. This chair was heightened, so we were about eye level.

His glare lingered in the mirror, to my lips, my eyes, my chests.
"I am not a rule-breaker. I am not interested in sex with the same gender..." He mumbled something homophobic under his breath.
He traced his hands over the open skin on my shoulders. His lips lingered around my ears. They reached my temple.. my cheeks...

"I am not your whore." I said, turning my head and closing my eyes.

"Oh, really, Schuyler? Explain to me the first time you spent the night with Marquis. Out of wedlock..." He smirked, running both of his hands through my hair.

"He was going to war. I would not be able to do the same thing for a long while." I blinked. Once I think about it, Stephen should be fighting alongside Lafayette and Alexander.

"Speaking of war, Why aren't you on the battlefield right now?" I narrowed my eyes at his reflection.

"I could not waste my life. I have wealth to take care of. Children to have." The last sentence sent chills down my spine.

"You are a coward," I said, standing up and leaving him alone in my room.

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