Chapter 14

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Y/n P.O.V
I wake up my head is pounding, my vision blurry and I can't stand. I'm slumped up against a cold stone wall, I sniff the room, there it is again something/one is blocking my sense, my eyes finally unblur and I can kinda see my surroundings, it's dark and the room is small and blank, the walls look to be a grey colour but I can't completely tell because it's dark I look down to see my arms chained to the wall but I can move them to the point I can clap however I can't touch the floor, my legs are tied together connected to a chain that's attached to the wall, I attempt to get up again this time pulling myself up by the chains around my wrists. "what the hell!" I look down at my waist to see my waist tied to the wall as well. 'Woooow they took extra precautions" I laugh to myself, my belly grumbles and I face the titanic door "oiiii I'm hungry... oiiii anyone there... oiii I swear to god I want food" no one replied "at least give me more carbon dioxide" I yell, still no answer. I decided to use my magic, wait I look back down to my waist and notice it's something that will inflict pain on me if I use magic power, isn't this just great I sigh. Just as I was giving up I heard foot steps, i stared at the door waiting for it to open, Click!clank! The door unlocked and was now opening the bright light fazed me a bit but I was ok a couple of seconds later.
"Hmm so she's her, right I didn't expect her to be so... so pretty I guess, looks like it's my lucky day" a guy with short black hair his hair short at the sides but longish on top with ocean blue eyes (not an actual fairytale character) walks over and grabs my chin making me look at him, I change my eye colour so it looks like the sun, I ignore the pain that the strap around my waist is inflicting. He smirks and I change my eyes back to e/y, he steps back a bit to look at me then back to the man stood at the door "how about we don't drain her only take a bit each week ya know so she can still live and renew then I can keep her" he says as if I'm not there. "But you'd have to do that thing with her memory" he reply's unsure.
"I know, it's not perfect yet but it's better than her kicking off for the rest of her life" he says back he kneels down in front of me and smiles as if we was mates.
"What the fuck are you smiling at, I could hear you conversation and there is no way in hell your doing anything with my mind, wat your gunna do is release me" I demand.
"It's ok everything will be fine how about we do it now and get it out of the way" he says gently.
"Oi fuck nut did you not hear me!" I shout he just stands up and whispers something in the other guys ear, then walks off.
"I need 7 men to help this one won't stay still" he shouts and walks into the room with 7 people following him.
"What's wring are you too weak to handle me"I smirk.
"Can I remind you what happened last time you annoyed one of us" a familiar one said.
"Oh hi, numb nuts" I say laughing, he just stays silent and they surround me.
"I'll give you a deal if you don't pull any funny moves I'll let you walk on your own" he says I nod and they remove all the chains except the strap around my waist.
"Oh come on take that of please" I plead.
"Nope non of us trust you enough" they all say, I roll my eyes and follow them, the one I call numb nuts was walking to my right, I have to get pay back for him kicking me I quickly think of a plan and put it into action. I stick my foot out making him fall over it then before he hit the ground round house kicked him into the wall, they all turn around and point their weapons at me, I just smirk and say "pay back".

We get to a room with some kind of chair in it with hand and ankle braces to keep me in place, I look at them and attempt to leave "Nope there is no way in hell im sitting in that chair" of course they force me to sit in the chair and put the metal braces down to hold me in place, numb nuts (he shall now be called this) then walks in his lip bloody and I laugh. He walks over to me and just as he's about to hit me he's stopped by the black haired man from before.
"This shouldn't hurt it'll be fairly quick, you won't even know it happened" he laughs, before putting a needle in my arm. The pain rushes through me making me feel like I've had everyone of Erza's swords go through me, I scream in pain before loosing consciousness.

3rd P.O.V
Meanwhile garjeel and team Natsu go to the guild and get everyone to help find y/n, they then go around town asking people if they have seen anything, they go to the train station and ask if they have seen her.
"Hey hope you don't mind talking with us but have you seen this girl" they hold up a picture of y/n and the man nods.
"She was unconscious and with a bunch of people they got off at the capital crocus and walked up the mountains.
"Okay thank you so much" Erza says before they walk off.
"Let's go we need to go now and save y/n I don't care how long the train ride is" he says with determination, they all nod and get on the next train the leave.

???? P.O.V
I put the needle down and start the procedure to block her memory, there is a chance she can regain it but I'm sure I can stop that. She will become mine, and I will have her magic power for ever, she could be our secret weapon.

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