(Y/N) was put into the orphanage when she was 5 years old and over the years still hasn't managed to get adopted she's 12 now and is thinking of the worst, no one wants a 12 year old. Right?
I woke up like usual, on the floor with a single sheet laying over me, I let the newer kids lay on my bed since the orphanage was short of beds and "didn't have the finances" to get more. But it was perfectly fine with me, I still had MY hidden laptop and earbuds, I knew how the other kids were they would either steal my laptop or break it or even worse the orphanage might take it away, so I kept it hidden outside in the hollow tree. [semi writers block I didn't know where else it could go, back to the story (~._.)~] My earbuds I kept inside with all my clothes that dare anyone TOUCH them they would be dead where they stand, everyone knew how I was it was almost as if I was bipolar, [the meme has NOTHING I repeat NOTHING to do with the disorder and I do not own that video, carry on] which all the kids called me, it was annoying having a nickname like that. 'Bipolar' is that really the best you could come up with fucktards? I went and put a Markiplier shirt on which was coincidentally found in the lost and found some jeans, sneakers and a black sweater on then grabbed my earbuds and snuck outside, luckily no one was up just yet. I grabbed my laptop out of the cob webby tree and checked the battery hoping I wouldn't have to dark side of the building where there was a mis-built outlet and I could put my charger under the dumpster. Thank god, it was charged just enough. I put the earbuds into the computer and started to play a jacksepticeye video, but I couldn't hear the sound, so I turned up the computers volume, nothin. I turned up the earbuds volume, nothing. "Dammit..." I whispered under my breath as I ripped the earbuds out only to hear a deafening "TOP OF THE MORNIN TO YA LADDIES" I try to turn it down so no one else would hear it. FAIL. I could already hear the back door start to open and try to rush to get my laptop back into the hollow tree and this time I threw my earbuds in as well. When you turn around you expect to see one of the staff members or even that one gang of bullies but no to your surprise it's, "Alexa, Jesus Christ girl I thought one of the others had heard me." You say in relief looking at your best friend. "Only I out of all of them are native to that Irish green bean's overactive vocal chords." Alexa says starting to sit next to me against the tree. "Guess you're right about that." I get a random urge to cut myself but just pull your sweatshirt over my wrists some more. "Stahp it." Alexa says randomly. "Stop what? I have done nothing since we've been out here." "Stop thinking about cutting yourself I can tell you were because you always pulls at your sleeves when you do." I swear she knows more about me than anyone else in the entire world. "I try, pulling at my sleeves eases the urge a little bit, I'm going to go one day without cutting myself." I say pulling at my sleeves a bit more. "Alrighty then, I'll be watching you." Alexa said doing the I'm watching you sign earning a smile and slight giggle. "I heard someone's coming to adopt today." Alexa said seeming to only just now remember. "Alright so out of 50 kids we have a 4% chance of getting adopted, 10% they'll walk away and an 86% chance they'll adopt another one of the other kids." I said blandly trying not to get either of our hopes up "Well 4% is better than nothing." Alexa said standing up and outstretching her hand out to me to help me up. "Do you know the guys name?" I say taking her hand and standing up just a little bit taller than her. "Nope all I know is that he's coming in today around 12:30." "Well surprises are nice I guess" I say looking at my watch. "It's 11:00 now, how is no one awake?" "We've been out here for about an hour, they're probably up." Alexa says as we walk back into god forbidden building. I scratch at my arm wraps resisting the urge to cut.
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[the arm wraps are like that :p] We walked in and sure enough "Hey bipolar! Outside crying like a baby again?" "Still being a fucking retard Chris?" I say continuing to walk my way with Alexa. "I can see why her parents would leave such a loser like her." Chris sneers. OK that did it. In less than ten seconds you had him pinned against a wall. "Have a death wish pretty boy?" You growl full of anger. How dare he? How dare he insult me like that? We were all in the same situation no one here is different than the other. Parents died. Abandoned. Left behind. We all had the same stories it was the same thing over and over again but that insult hit me right where it hurt and I wasn't letting him get away with it. "You all call me bipolar for a reason, want me to give you one more reason why?" You scowled looking him in the eye. "No bitch now get off me!" Chris spat at you. You unpin him from the mall immediately punching him square in the nose making it bleed. My heart was beating a million miles an hour, how did I just do that?! Just two weeks ago I would get a panic attack from just speaking in front of people, and I just punched a guy until he bled! I went back to walking with Alexa and she looked dumbfounded. "Did you really just punch Chris until he bled??" She asked as we headed to get breakfast. "Guess i did. Serves him right though." I said as I went to go get my tray of the same sloppy drippy tuna they placed with bread. We all got used to it but when you first eat the stuff it's like someone forced you to eat fresh dog shit. "Guess it does, ew." She said as she got her "slop" as she called it. "In one hour a man will come for a meet and greet! Get prepared now!" One of the staff said. I was already dressed I may take off the sweatshirt because if anyone wanted to adopt me they're gonna get the whole package, scars and all. "Well I am going to get dressed how about you?" Alexa said as she threw her tray in the trash can. "I think I'm pretty much ready." I say still sitting at my table scratching at my arm wraps. "Well ok. Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone." Alexa jokes. "Yeah Yeah whatever go get dressed!" I said waving one hand in her direction.
[ala time-a-skip]
Finally it was time and it always seemed like Alexa went before me so I was ready for her to tell me who it was right after she came out of the meet and greet. It was almost time, usually around this time my heart starts racing faster hoping for someone to pick me up finally. It's 12:00 now just have to wait a little while to put on that fake smile just so I can finally feel true happiness, but there always is that chance I might get it worse than this, but still have to try don't ya?
[Marks POV] {tricked ya, y'all thought the chapter was done}
I'm so anxious but excited at the same time, I couldn't wait to get a kid! Even still it would be a surprise to everyone else since I hadn't told anyone. How would the fans react to her or him? And would they know who I am? What had that kid gone through? Who knows what fears they have since they probably won't want to talk about it. What if I say something that triggers a memory? I have to stop thinking of the negatives, think about what we'll do together. Think about how much fun it will be to have a kid in the house, they'll probably be so much fun to hang around with. Well I'm here, time to see what's in store.
Word count: 1416
{guys, no WiFi, for two days, can't upload really, I'll try, probably not, very long chapter, enough for two days, hopefully, enjoy, thx for reading.}