Part 4: H-Home?

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[This is just gonna be a filler I'm trying my best without WiFi you guys]

  I walked into the meet and greet area met by a man with a tinge of red hair sitting down. Holy chicken balls, it was Markiplier. How lucky is this shit??? I got to meet THE markiplier and have a shot at getting adopted by him. Which I should NOT get my hopes up for, I mean why would he want me anyway. Well might as well start getting to know him.

Mark POV
When she came in I noticed she had one of my shirts on, yet she remained calm as if she didn't know me. I'd ask about that later but for now I'd just ask about the important stuff. "Hi, I'm Mark." I introduced myself to her "I'm (y/n) nice to meet you." She said with a vibrant smile on her face as she shook my hand. I had also noticed she had bandages wrapped around her wrists. Self harm maybe? There were also some old scars up her arms but I don't think she did that herself. We talked for about ten minutes and she was great she laughed at my jokes and seemed to really be a lot of fun once you got to know her better. "Ok well it was nice meeting you Mr. Fischbach." She said right as she was about to leave. "Wait! One more question. Do you watch Markiplier?" I asked almost forgetting I wanted to ask. "Oh, I almost forgot, yes I do watch your videos and am a big fan, and it's been an honor to meet you." She said turning back in my direction with a big smile plastered onto her face. "Well it's been an honor to meet you too."  I said returning the smile as she walked out the room.

I walked back into where everyone else was and looked for Alexa. Today was the best day in a very very long time, I met Markiplier and have a chance just a chance at getting adopted by him. I finally had found Alexa sitting on my bed. "I hate you for not telling me." She laughed and I sat on the bed next to her still glaring at her but smirking trying to hold in a laugh. "Well today was a good day to wear your Markiplier shirt wasn't it?" She said still smiling from laughing. "Whatever, so what did you do that makes you think you don't have a shot?"
  "Well I didn't really speak and I made myself seem really shy even though I known I am very loud and ambitious." She said gesturing to herself dramatically. "Why did you do that? Don't you want a home?" I asked thinking about how selfless she was to do that. "Well of course I do but I think you deserve to get a good home even if there is a very small chance you'll get it, I know we'll meet again someday and you've been here way longer than me so I think you need a home way more than I do." She stared at the floor while saying this so I knew she was heartbroken but sincere. I had been there way longer than she has but it still broke my heart that she would give up a home just for me. ME of all people why me she deserved a home way more than I did and another thing is that how are we supposed to know that he will adopt me anyway it's not lik- 
"Y/n pack your things you're getting adopted."

Well fuck

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