Part 7: Here we are (IM BACK BITCHES >:D)

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  I walked out of the building and turned around just to get one last good look at it. Is this where I really spent 7 years of my life? Looking at the outside for the first time in a long time it isn't really the type of place you would see as a kids place, more of a warehouse than an orphanage. After a while I sighed and turned around to the smiling Markiplier I had come to know and love over the years ready to pick me up. "Hi! I'll take care of your bag." He says holding out one hand to take my bag. "Thank you." I said smiling and handing him my bag. The car ride was silent except for the music playing on the radio I just looked out the window thinking about how my life has gone from the worst to the best over the years. First I was being abused for the start of my life, then I was brought there where I spent most of my life so far and now who knows where my life would lead now. As he drove down the road we passed the tech store where I got all my "important" items, I kinda regretted never emailing Justin again. I wonder if he even remembers me. Probably not but hopefully. And Alexa, what will happen to her now that I'm not around? We both had pretty much nothing else but each other and now that I'm away from her I feel like I left... home almost? Like because I've been there so long it felt natural to be there, like being there is where I belong. But I'm sure this life will be worth leaving that place in the end and I'm positive I'll meet Alexa again. One day.

{ I'm back guys! From both a huge writers block and anxiety to write the book and tbh I still get anxious putting out these chapters for some reason idk lel. But I was thinkin that I might put out a remake of this book sometime ya know change the age, the plot, all that good stuff. Pretty much a new book XD but yeah I appreciate that you people actually read my cringe and THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 200+ VIEWS!!! THATS SOOOOOO AWESOME!! So I guess I'll just keep making more chapters so you guys can keep reading! Sorry for the short chapter but this is all that came to mind I'll make longer chapters in the future if I don't abandon this book for another one XD. But anyways! Thanks for reading and I'll see ya in the next chapter!!}

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