"somtimes it makes me want to blow my fucking head off

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(this is the fourth time im writing this)

so im hella basic. so im putting song lyrics as my chapter titles and putting the artist and song name at the end at the chapter too so yeh.

so today my second period teacher  (my theater teacher who's a fucking queen) was crying. it might've been a mental breakdown or something but i felt so fucking bad for her especially since everyone was bothering her with the same fucking question, "are you okay? (im sorry) but she clearly didn't  want anyone to see her crying because when she was wiping her tears she turned away from the class.

then my day gets worst

my third period teacher  (my science teacher who's also a fucking queen) had a serious talk with our entire class explainging why she's never in class and we always have a trashy substitute. she said, "im resigning".  when she said thst i almost started crying. but she was like "ive been offered an amazing opportunity where i'll get more money." so i was like yes queen got your money! but these ashy fucks were like "she's gonna become a stripper!" "i want to see that!" and i was so tempted to cut them open with my scissors and throw their insides at the people who were celebrating her departure. (wow fancy words)

but my day got better by pe but last two periods were terrible.. but yehhh

~millie (it's a nickname)

artist: theory of a deadman

song title: blow

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