Bringing Back Hallie: Chapter Nine

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A/N--Here's chapter nine! I hope you all likey :)) Please vote/comment/be super duper awesome and whatnot! And here's another pic of Hallie.  

"Tell me again why y'all have dragged me out to see some dumb superhero movie?" Darla groans as Ethan pulls his truck into the first empty parking spot he sees at the local movie theater.  

My parents were gone all this morning at some out-of-town meeting with his publicist, and after a wonderful breakfast made by yours truly-yes, I made breakfast; I'm maturing-we were all being lazy bums and watching Good Morning America in our pajamas. But then we saw a preview for The Avengers movie out right now and I may have mentioned how much I wanted to go and see it.  

Ethan's the one who gave the idea that we should, and, well, we decided to drag Darla along kicking and screaming just for the hell of it. And besides, I know that she's girly enough to at least bask in the glory of how hot Tony Stark and Captain America are. I feel like that'll entertain her enough so that she doesn't complain throughout the whole thing. 

As I unbuckle my passenger seat seatbelt, I turn around in my seat so that I can face my blonde and unbelievably cute little sister. I tell her like it should be obvious, "Because these superheroes are awesome." 

She rolls her big eyes at me and says, "You're such a sorry excuse for a girl." 

"Thanks," I tell her with an overly bright smile, just for her entertainment, "Now let's go get a huge thing of popcorn." 

She groans as she hops out of the truck, and underneath her breath I can her mumbling something about how she's been stuck with a younger brother instead of a cool older sister. I honestly don't care, though, that she thinks this. I'm extremely comfortable with the fact that I talk like a pubescent boy and that I love superhero movies. It's one of the few things that I'm actually comfortable with about myself. And, well, Ethan likes that about me too which makes it much easier to accept. 

We all walk into the theater, me paying for the tickets because it's already been decided that I'll pay for this and Ethan will pay for the concessions. It actually causes quite the stir in Ethan on the way here when I mentioned me paying, him wanting to pay for absolutely everything because he's the guy and that's how things should be, but when I told him that I'd talk obnoxiously throughout the entire movie he reluctantly agreed. 

After we each get what candy and drink we want alone with a popcorn the size of Texas to share, we all head down the semi crowded hallway and then into the already darkened theater. Those dumb pre movie local ads are playing right now, with a soundtrack of songs that were popular two months ago. Darla leads us up the stairs and into the empty row right in the middle-the best view in my opinion-and then we all take our seats, me realizing with a jolt that I'm in the middle and will be sitting next to Ethan the whole time. 

As sad as it may be, I've never actually been on a date with a guy, let alone to a movie theater where I know couples make out half the time. I know that it's different because my thirteen-year-old sister is sitting right on the other side of me, but still; I'm going to have to know that this super attractive guy is going to be sitting right next to me, his cologne or whatever smelling absolutely mouthwatering, and with the lights dark.  

It's going to be torture, and I have an awful feeling that I won't be able to pay attention to the movie.  

Since I'm sitting in the middle, Ethan hands me the popcorn and then tells me warningly, "You eat it die." 

I roll my eyes at him, but am secretly pleased that he's acting so comfortably about this whole thing. I mean, I know that it's probably nothing to be uncomfortable with because we're just watching a movie-we've done this a few times back at home-and my sister is even here, but still...there's some part of me that is slightly on edge because, for some reason, I feel like I just need to impress him. Keep him entertained or something. 

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