Lawn of the Undead

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~When undead things appear, smack the one responsible. Really hard.~ -Chishiru

"Think about it, dude! Anything we want. Cash. Cars. Candy." Benny stressed as you three walked into school. 

"So you only use magic spells for stuff that starts with 'c'?" Ethan asked him. Benny scoffed at him.

"Once we were lowly high school noobs." Benny tried to reason with him. "Now we're vampire killing, spell-casting rock stars!"

"I wouldn't say rock stars. I don't think any of us can play a musical instrument without killing people's eardrums." You told him with a sly smirk.

"You know what I mean." Benny huffed back at you. "The world is our oyster!"

"Have you ever actually had oysters? Not something you want to swallow- more like something you'd cough up." Ethan explained grossly.

"Ew, that's just what I needed in my brain. Thanks, Ethan." You mumbled.

"Yea, nice image to start the day with, dude." Benny turned around and saw something or someone. "There's the image I need!" You and Ethan turned to see a group of girls with a blond in the middle.

"I know you're the 'see-er' and all, but I can see her with me." You coughed at his remark.

"You know, you might have more of a chance with her if you actually told her these pick-up lines."

"You know very well that I can't do that. Besides, I got this!" He magicked up some flowers and walked over to the group of girls. You growled under your breath. Before Ethan could question you, Sarah walked up.

"Hey! Can I borrow $20, friend? It's for a good cause." She asked Ethan. Not wanting to watch poor Ethan be awkward, you turned back to Benny as he talked to the girl. She started crying and Benny turned to look at you for help. You merely shrugged and smiled at him. He sauntered back over to you guys.

"Awesome news! Della's dog died." He looked way too happy.

"That's good news for who? You? or her?" You asked with a quirked eyebrow. Sarah cringed and walked away.

"Me! She said she loved my flowers and then she said she'd do anything to bring her dog back. Anything!" He smirked at Ethan. A shiver ran down your spine.

"Benny, no." You warned.

"Benny, yes. Come on, think about it! What if somebody magically brought her dog back? Can you imagine how grateful she'd be?" He pleaded.

"Benny, you can't bring her dead dog back to life. It's-" He cut you off.

"Won't know until we try right?" And walked off, patting Ethan on the shoulder.

"Benny, no! If Harry Potter were here he'd smack you around!" Ethan called after him.

"I'm not Potter, but I know I'd like to smack him around." You growled and stalked after him, determined to talk some sense into him.

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"No- it's underkill." You heard Benny's voice call from inside Ethan's room. You hadn't been able to find him all day and figured he'd go to Ethan's right after school, like always. "Because the dog would be unkilled, duh!"

"Benny Weir!" You cried as you stormed into Ethan's room. "You had better not still be talking about bringing Della's dog back!" 

"Well, yeah! How else am I supposed to impress her!?" He countered.

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