Dates and Ouija Boards

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You were once again stood in front of your mirror debating your outfit. Sarah had insisted that you buy at least thirty different outfits, but you settled on two. The first was a white button-up shirt that came with the cutest oak brown belt and a pair of black skinny jeans. The second was the cutest dress that the mall could offer at low prices. It had a silver halter top that transitioned into flowing black veils that ripple down to mid-thigh in the front and the knees in the back. 

You decide to go with (Option 1/2). 

Kaya had changed the time of your date from after school to a little later that night because she had to retake a test. Your phone chimed again. Ethan had been texting you about this new video game that had come out recently. 

Benny: Dude! Jacuzzi Time Machine starts in half an hour! You'd better be here!

You grimaced at your phone. You and the boys always hung out on Fridays without fail. The thought of canceling with Kaya crossed your mind. It wasn't really fair to go out with someone you weren't planning on being serious with anyway. 

But then you thought of all those times Benny had flirted with girls and your decision was final. You grabbed your bag and a sack full of treats and made your way to Ethan's house. 


Just as you were walking up the pathway to the door, Rory fell from the roof and a cry came from inside. 

"Hey, Rory! Always with the roof entrances, huh?" Rory stumbled up from the ground and shook the leaves out of his hair. 

"Well yeah! How else is RV supposed to enter a scene!" You giggled. Benny slammed the front door open and huffed.

"Rory! You knocked the antenna out!" Then he saw you and it seemed like time had stopped for him. His cheeks dusted rosy and you swore he stopped breathing.

"Hi." You whispered as his eyes stayed firmly locked on you, even when Rory tried to fix the antenna.

"Hi." He was speaking; it was more like he was pushing air out of his lungs and hoping that it formed a word. Rory jumped back onto the ground in defeat.

"Well, I can't fix it. But maybe we could-" Benny seemed to snap out of his trance and remember what had been happening. He glared at Rory and turned to walk back inside. You followed but didn't quite step into the house. Benny went to start fiddling with the tv. 

"Hey, um, I can't stay." His head whipped up to stare at you. "I have a date." He frowned and for some reason you felt guilty. You didn't have a reason. After all, it's not like you and Benny were together. But he was clearly upset. 

"With that girl?" You nodded, shuffling your feet. 

"I brought a peace offering though. I have chips, barbeque flavor, marshmallows, a couple of cans of soda, and-" 

"Basically everything but you?" Benny cut you off with a level of salt reserved for those few special times when he was really upset.

"I'm sorry." You didn't know quite what to say. Then something clicked. He didn't own you. You could do what you wanted. He wasn't your dad.

"Actually. I'm not sorry." He blinked in surprise. Ethan, Rory, Sarah, and Jane poked their heads around the corner to watch.

"Excuse me?" Benny spluttered very confusedly. 

"I'm not sorry. I know Fridays are our thing. But I'm not going to be missing every single one. Just this one. And I showed up and even brought you snacks! I think that effort makes up for me not being here."

The Girl Next Block Over (Benny Weir x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now