Perfume Isn't The Way To A Girl's Heart Or Is It?

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~There is but one genuine love potion. Consideration.~ - Menander of Athens

You walked up to your friends just as Ethan was spraying himself with cologne. You sniffed and immediately clogged your nostrils. 

"What is that?" Benny asked as you choked.

"This. Hormonio. It's musk. It's supposed to tap into a woman's primal nature." Benny cringed as he took the bottle from Ethan.

"It's definitely manly. Like wrestling team laundry bag manly." You coughed once more to get the horrendous moisture out of your lungs.

"It's girl repellent, you mean." You shivered in disgust. "Trust me. No 'primal nature' will be awakened with that."

"Okay." Ethan hyped himself up. "Here we go. I'm just worried she'll laugh in my face."

"She probably will." You slapped Benny's arm.

"She won't. Sarah's not the person to laugh at you like that." Ethan smiled and walked away.

"I wonder if there's a spell that could help him?" Benny muttered already pulling out his spell book.

"I wouldn't mess with emotions, B. Trust me. They're powerful things."


After lunch, you went to find Ethan and ask him how it went when you ran into Sarah and Erica.

"Hey, guys! What's up?" Erica looked at your clothes and huffed.

"A shopping detour. Honestly, can you scream 'gay' any louder?" You looked at Sarah with hurt painted across your face. Sarah wildly shook her head but before she could defend herself, Erica waved it off.

"She didn't tell me. I overheard your conversation." You growled at her and stalked away. 

"I like my clothes!" You shouted over your shoulder. You thought about going to meet up with Ethan and Benny but decided against it. They would be able to tell that you were upset. And there was no way you could tell them why. You shook your head and went to class a few minutes early.

Everything was just fine and dandy in math class until some of the girls just got up and left. The teacher, having completed the assignment for the day (a simple calculus worksheet), just shrugged it off and went back to her book. You were confused as more and more of the girls just left, some of them would never dare ditch a class in their life.

That was when the smell wafted into your area. You let a growl leave your throat as you stood up to go find the idiot responsible. It wasn't hard. All you had to do was follow the trail of females. 

Before you could find him, you decided that it probably wasn't the best idea to be around him as you were already getting dizzier. You would never let yourself live it down if you fell victim to a love potion. Ditching the rest of school would be easier than trying to fight it off all day.


The door to Benny's room opened as Evelynn walked in.

"(Y/n), dear, you've been in here for hours. Is everything all right?" You shook your head, hair tangling against his pillow. It was a body pillow covered by a Star Wars pillowcase that Evelynn had made for him back in grade 7.

"Benny's an idiot." Grandma Weir sighed and sat next to you. The bed dipped and you allowed yourself to roll into her side.

"You and I both know that boy is missing a few brain cells." You chuckled at her comment, still trying to fight off the haze intruding on your brain. It calmed slightly whenever you inhaled his scent. Weird. "What did he do this time?"

The Girl Next Block Over (Benny Weir x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now