Plants and Closets

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~I suffer from thanatophobia. I panic and I worry and I get anxious. But only because I love you.~ - Unknown Tumblr Post.

Honestly, you couldn't believe that you were sitting in the principal's office about to get in trouble for blowing a window out, and all Benny could think of was flirting with the girl sitting next to him. 

"So, you, uh, get sent here often?" You cringed. Benny was not the greatest at pick-up lines and your lessons seemed to have done the opposite of what they were supposed to do. 

"How could I let you convince me to rewire the PA system?" Ethan wailed. You gave him a sympathetic pat on the back.

"Because I'm incredibly charming." Ethan then seemed to notice the way Benny was staring at the girl.

"Seriously? Dude the Hulk would turn pink before she would talk to you." You snorted and scooted your way onto Ethan's lap making cough out an embarrassed sound. Normally you were touchy-feely with Benny and Ethan didn't know how to handle a girl just randomly sitting on him.

"Pink with envy." You gently punched Benny in the shoulder at his comment.

"Dude, you're probably creeping her out with your weird staring. Knock it off." Your wild hand motions were shaking your whole body and Ethan grabbed your hips to stop you from falling off him. Benny's eyes briefly flickered to the gesture and a frown graced his face fora ll of one second before he was staring at the girl again.

"It's not creepy. It's seductive." You huffed.

"Unless she doesn't want to be seduced." Principal Hicks called for the girl and Benny slid a tiny bit closer to her. You huffed and gently leaned back into Ethan's shoulder so you could whisper in his ear.

"Benny's an idiot." He laughed, agreeing with you before the both of you turned your attention back to him. Ethan tenderly pushed you off his lap so that he could guide the girl into the office. A little bit of tension eased itself from Benny's body.

"That girl was a total butter ears." You and Ethan gave him a look. "I liked everything, "but her ears." Ethan let out a breathless chuckle.

"Wow! How are you still dateless?" Benny laughed with him before his tone dropped into a sad one.

"I don't know."


You were stil trying to pick the dirt from underneath your fingernails when you noticed Ethan talking to Sarah. She handed him her laptop and walked away.

"Hey, Loverboy. Getting any closer to asking her out yet?" Ethan sighed and shook his head.

"No. But, she's asking me about favors." You rubbed his back in sympathy.

"You'll get there. What did she ask you to do?" He slid her laptop into his bag.

"Her computer is acting strange and she wants me to fix it. Can you help me after school?" You nodded.

"Yeah! I'm totally down to help my favorite geek fix a laptop." He gave you a questioning stare.

"I thought Benny was your favorite?" You shook your head.

"He's my favorite idiot. There's a difference." Ethan chuckled and you got up to follow him. Benny met you two in the hallway. He was complaining about that girl still not giving him attention. You ran into Rory. Normally all your attention would be focused on your friends, but you had spotted that girl Benny keeps talking about down the hallway.

She was attractive and you could see why Benny was trying to flirt with her. But, her eyes were blank; cold slates with no emotion behind them. It's like there wasn't even a person there. 

The Girl Next Block Over (Benny Weir x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now