A New Home [3]

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When Donnie was done, the rat loudly thumped his staff he was holding on the ground.

"Haven't i taught you how intuduce yourselves?" He demanded.

No one said anything.

Leo started to speak. "Well, Sensei, she caught us!"

"And she's a good fighter!" Donnie said.

"And she once again caught us!" Mikey yelled.

"But she's annoying." Raph rolled his eyes.

I growled, and cracked my fist at raph. Son of a gun.

"Can I leave yet?" I asked.

"No!!" They all yelled back at me.

"Then at least..." I started. "Leo, get your hands off me." I pushed Leo's hands off me and dusted off my shoulders. "What do you want with me?"

"Hey. We're mutants, you caught us, and people don't like mutants!" Raph said.

"So what... Not like I was gonna.. You know... Probably tell anyone." That, was a lie. I was going to exclaim this in Danny's face.

Leo shook his head. "You expect us to believe that?"

"Don't you trust me?" As soon as the words left my mouth, I knew the question was stupid.

Leo muffled his laughter. "Uh, we barely know you," He chuckled. "Why would I trust you?"

I rolled my eyes. I wasn't good in arguments, and right now I couldn't bring up a valid point. I wanted to shoot some kind of dumb insult at him, but I'd look like an even bigger fool.

Mikey stared at Leo and Me. "You know what that meaaaannnsss..."

"Uh, What?"

Mikey threw in some jazz hands. "She get's to stay with us here in the lair for a while~!"
Leo nodded along with Donnie, And Raph let out a groan.

"W-Wait!" I started to panic, fear rising and I felt like I just got whacked in the chest. "You can't just hold me captive here!!"

Raph nodded. "Well, I think she's right. Off to your home you go-"

"ACTUALLY, Raphael, we can do what we want. What's stopping us?" Donnie smirked.

"Uh. I'm not comfortable staying here-"

"SHE CAN SLEEP IN MY ROOM~~!!" Mikey exclaimed. I was getting overwhelmed. I was gonna miss so much school! What would my mom think? And Danny!

 I needed to get out of here. 

The rat stepped in for me. "It is rude and unorthodox to keep this young woman here," he proclaimed. 

I beamed at the sentiment, a wide grin on my face. He seemed like he was in charge of them, so this had to mean I was going home!

Leo blurted, "But Sensei-" 

"She is a simple witness to your existence. As risky as it may be, it is right to let her go." 

Donnie held his arms out like he was fighting for his life in this argument. "But we kept April down here! It was to keep her safe! And what if she tells somebody about us like with Vic? Or what if one of the Shredders' goons saw her with us and now she's involved? We would have to protect her and ourselves!" He exclaimed. 

I tried my best to connect the pieces together in my mind, but I couldn't put a face, let alone any information, to these names. 

The blue masked turtle spoke. "And we have a spare room. We'll take her out for patrol tonight, show her what we do and we'll let her go after we've earned her trust." Leo began to stare at me. Donnie put his hands on my shoulders.

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