Swag 33, Check!

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Beyond the door, Sehun had heard what he need to hear and even what he don't want to hear.

"Amber..let's go home..", he tried his best to act calm. No, he didn't want to admit that he lost Amber already.

At that moment, Amber's legs seems to be pinned down on the floor, not moving an inch at all. She never thought she would have to face him so fast.

"Amber...let's go...", Sehun repeated.

"Sehun-ahh... I..."

"Home...let's just go home.", he cut off her words. He don't even want to know what comes after those words.


He walked up to her and wrapped his fingers around her wrist.

Cold. His fingers were as cold as ice. Was it because of the weather? Or was it because he was scared? Scared that what he was afraid of most is coming true.

"Did...you heard what we said?", Amber gathered her courage to ask.

The grip around her wrist tighten. So tight that she thought her wrist was going to break off.

"Ah...", she let out a painful groan.

"You're hurting her!", V shoved off Sehun's hand immediately.

Sehun's cold ice glare fall on V for the first time since entering their dorm.

V stood infront of Amber and hold her hand tight. He was ready to confront whatever about to happen.

"You don't even know why I was mad at you, do you?", Sehun looked at Amber with a stoic expression.


"You don't even know why I was cold to you after hearing about those scandals."

"... Didn't you misunderstood about me and Mark? Isn't that why you were mad? You did not trust me!"

Sehun let out a mocking scoff.

"You lied. That was why."

"That scandal was not true..."

"No... It was not about the scandal... You lied to me about another thing."

Amber whole body trembled slightly. That. It was about that thing.

"You okay, Amber?", V held her by the shoulder.

"V... I think I have to go home....", Amber's eyes were brimming with tears.

Indeed, she looked so fragile. V did not want to let her go in that state but he know, he has no right to interfere with their relationship.

He nods slightly and let go of her shoulder.

Amber took a few steps forward and stare straight into Sehun's eyes.

Sehun just grab hold of her hand without saying anything more.

Then, they both left. V stared at their back until they were finally out of sight. Amber, don't give me hope and then crush it. Please.

When Sehun and Amber finally reached Amber's house, it was Amber who voiced out first.

"Sehun-ah..I'm sorry. Really."


"I did not mean to lie to you about how I burnt my hand... I did not mean to not tell you that Mark was the one who send me home the other night... I just didn't want you to be worried.", she continued.

Sehun just pull her into a hug and pat her head continuously.

"Amber...let's start all over again.. Oh? I promise to be better. I promise I will treat you better than now. I promise I..."

"Too late. Sehun-ah... It's too late. My feelings had changed... I...."

"No! No! How could it be? How could your feelings changed so fast? Is our relationship that weak? So weak that you could change your feelings so easily?"

Amber push him away and took a step back, forcing a smile.

"No...our relationship was not weak nor strong. It had not even enter that phase yet.... But what I could say is just we're not meant to be. I'd hurt you. You'd hurt me. Now it's time to let go."

"Just for this? Just because of this you're ending our relationship. Is it worth it?!", Sehun's heart slowly hardened as he speaks. He knew for sure that their relationship could not be saved anymore.

"It's not about the worth. Once I had loved you. Thinking that you are my everything. But now, I have someone else who is my world. He was there when I was at my weakest state. He was there to support me.", Amber could only say what was in her heart. She really wanted to reduce the pain but there is no break up without pain.

"In the end, you're just blaming me.", Sehun glance away. His heart felt like they were knocked into pieces, trampled on over and over again.

"Sehun-ah.. trust me. You'll find someone better than me. Someone who..."

"Don't give me all this bullshit! You're the best for me!", Sehun cut off her words. He was hurt beyond words.

"But.. don't worry. I don't hold onto someone who don't want me. My love is not that selfish nor that immature. If you're happy...even the reason is someone else, I.. I will be...", he tried to continue but seems like the word 'happy for you' was stuck at his throat.

He was not ready to be a good man just yet. His heart hate this woman infront of him. She, who gave him all the happiness in the world but now, she gave him all the pain in the world.

Sehun turn around, taking a few steps before stopping again.

He glance side way and bit his lower lips.

"Noona... I had always wanted to call you this.", he simply uttered and left.

Amber could only stand there, speechless. She could only blame herself for hurting someone like him. Oh Sehun, I really loved you.


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