Chapter 5

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Moon woke up on the stage, squinting at the sun overhead.
"How're you feeling girlfriend? Those bullies beat you pretty bad." Said Olivia
Moon looked at her friend and tried to smile, but couldn't make herself do it. "Where did they go? Are you okay?" Moon asked, looking over Olivia's shoulder. She grinned, pointing behind Moon.
"Lycanrock had fun scaring the crap out them, Kahuna Hala took care of them after that. I'm fine, it's you I'm worried about."
Moon shrugged "I'm okay, I can walk just fine." She stood up but immediately regretted it. Pain coursed through her body, and she sat down quickly. "Or not, never mind."
Rounding the corner, Gladion froze "What the- Moon, Olivia, what happened?" He looked like he couldn't decide if he wanted to punch someone or throw up.
Olivia started explaining what had happened to Gladion while he looked more and distressed.
"I should have been there to help... You could have been even more hurt..." Gladion ran his hands through his hair.
Moon smiled gently "Gladion, I'll be fine, you don't need to worry about me 24/7." Sending out her Sylveon, Moon asked the Pokemon to use heal bell. In a matter of seconds, Moon's wounds were healed. Standing up and stretching, Olivia grinned at her friends.
"Let's go question those bullies," the Kahuna said, smacking her fist into her hand.
                                                                   ~End of chapter 5~

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