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A few minutes passed by. It was silent. I still didn't like the idea that the most haunted place in whole England was right behind my back. And to just add that to the list that I'm not that kind of such a horrible person; I also didn't like the idea that some of my friends are inside this house, playing a childish game. However, no matter how childish it is, I still believed in its truth and that if they'd try out, they're going to die. On the other hand, I didn't believe it and that was why I sat here. After all, the guy I sort of loved is currently leading himself and his closest friends straight into death and thinking about him dying actually makes me want to die too. I never really thought that something like this could happen to me; a 17-year-old girl from Newcastle to which never before has happened something exciting. But to tell the truth, I liked my life that way it was until now. May a bit boring but boring's still better than dangerous. Or life risking.

I sighed in boredom. The fear was now gone a bit after, like, 20 minutes had passed by and I still waited. I actually waited for now probably dead people to get their arse out of the house - but I was gone insane anyway (according to my brother) so why not wait for the death himself?

A loud shriek pierced into my ears as I jumped up on my position. I slightly turned around, a suspicious gaze spread across my features. The door was halfway closed but I decided to help myself to a better view and so I pushed it fully open again. It was dark inside and I couldn't identify a thing. There it was - another shriek. It was Georgia's voice this time, since hers was a way higher than the male one's. I heard shards fall to the floor. Another voice toning, steps following.

"What the hell..?" I mumbled as I stood up; being torn between getting inside and make my worst scenarios come true or run home, letting my friends die.

But they could simply be playing a prank on me, couldn't they? To make me fear even more?

Another cry was cut off on its highest point and it was all quiet suddenly.

Should I go in now to find out what was happening? If it was really like I assumed or if it was this Harold phantom? I observed the dark corridor for another few seconds until my feet directed me straight into the house, almost like I was controlled by something in my inner that was too brave (which I was sure wouldn't be the case because I really didn't own a  yet so tiny little thing that was brave but whatsoever). Without the flash on Natt's phone, it was almost too dark to focus on anything but I somehow managed to get back to the big foyer. The moon lit up the place a bit, however I always thought it was impossible for it to shine so bright. My heart beat in my throat and I could clearly hear it (I was sure I just imagined the sound of my heart racing but anyway). I observed everything in my yet so close vicinity as I heard footsteps. They were fast yet so careful and shoes only hit the floor lightly. Hopes became prominent that they were still alive. My friends. That they played a prank. I would surely be angry but yet I'd cheer them for simply still being with me. That this was all a bad nightmare. As the steps grew louder and louder and when soon a heavy breathing joined them, I looked for the body that was doing these noises. The body maybe even looking for me. I found him. It was Ansel slowly running towards the stairs from its right branch, looking like he's trying to be quiet.

"Ansel." I said in relief.

"Shh!" he snapped, covering my mouth with his hand as he approached me in the middle of the foyer.

He was so close now that I could see it. And smell and taste. His white shirt was covered with red splashes, the blood being felt in my mouth. He shook his head begging as he noticed that I realized. His eyes were dull and pleasing me to be quiet when there was suddenly a loud bang in one of the upper floors. Ansel impacted his eyes, shaking his head and rolling it into his neck but still covering my mouth. His eyes shot up again. He searched for something in his trousers but didn't seem to find it - being as quiet as the whole time through. Ansel lifted his index as he slowly let go of my mouth, showing me to be quiet and don't make a noise. He bent down, held my face, his breath hitting my skin. I heard footsteps in the upper floor. They came closer and Ansel's breathing got faster.

"The camera is upstairs somewhere next to Natt." he sobbed into my ear. "Find it and then hide. Promise me to get out alive."

His hot tears fell down and brushed my cheek. My eyes widened. Was that really just happening? He just told me to get out alive. What was going on, seriously. I gasped for air before another bang was to be heard; this time clearly closer than before.

"Ansel" I breathed out, looking for his eyes to meet mine.

The blue of his was gone. It was only a whole lump of fear and awe, even though I couldn't imagine what the awe was referred to.

"Rose, you'll do it. You didn't play the game." he cried, tears streaming down his face.

I shook my head, closing my eyes for one second, then opening again. I stopped breathing. I actually stopped breathing and I think my heart stopped beating for a moment as well. It is behind his back.

"Ansel" I gasped, not wanting to look at it anymore. I closed my eyes and started crying, mumbling for him to stay.

However, my words drowned in a loud scream. It was Ansel's voice just in front of me, piercing through my mind,  through my ears and making me almost hyperventilating. I felt his hands sliding down my body until the noise of him hitting the floor were to be heard. I didn't dare myself to open my eyes. I surely wasn't prepared to see what was going on since I saw enough of this phantom just a moment ago. I didn't identify anything though - my eyes were too wet from my tears. But I saw it standing behind Ansel's back and so I was sure that it would stand just in front of me now.

"Rose" his wheezily voice toned. I felt his hands groping up my ankle.

I opened my eyes quickly, immediately looking down and not ahead. I saw Ansel laying next to my feet, a big spot covering the white of his shirt just above the belly button in complete red. He was bleeding and the fabric of the shirt was torn, revealing the skinned stomach.

"Fuck" I mumbled, feeling the need to throw up as more as I looked down on him.

His eyes were dull, looking for contact with mine.

"Run away." he whispered.

Ansel was dead.


Hey guys x

thanks so much for all the support on the last chapter.

love always
milena x

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