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I tried to count the days in which I didn't encounter Harold in any way. I neither saw him, nor heard him, nor noticed his presence in any way. I think he might have just died another time. Wow Rose, you're in a jokey mood today? Stop it. Well, I ended up at 9. But I'm not quite sure if it actually were 9 days, now that I knew to what Harold had the ability to do. Like, he could've deceived me again, thinking it were 9 days but maybe it just were, like, three or four or maybe just two or only one hour.

After I had gotten out of the bath tub, I struggled with finding something like a towel, anything I could use to dry my hair and my body. Then, I also managed to find my way back to the room I basically used to live in by now. And I sat down on the floor in the very middle of the room and stared at the door for quite a long time. And that's how I fell asleep at some point. Every now and then, my inner voice - the mirror Rose's voice - talked to me and told me to get out and look for Harold but I disagreed, saying I'd rather refuse to.

And as I said before, I ended up at counting 9 days and nights when he would finally appear again. I was sat by the window, staring out, observing the garden, the trees. The wind was heavy today, blowing their branches and remaining leaves along with the air. It was a pretty sentimental view, noticing how the nature was cultivating into another season, people down town living their lives - when you're caught inside, forced to watch all of this go. And suddenly, I head the door handle move, followed by steps. I didn't even bother to turn around.

"Rosalie." Harold's low voice said. "What's wrong with you? Don't you feel well?"

I noticed concern in his voice. That made me turn around. His hands were folded behind his back - I guess some things never change - and his gaze was absolutely strong, holding mine without blinking. Yet, he was too far away to notice anything else.

I shook my head slowly. "No, I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" He tilted his head a bit.

"Yeah, absolutely." I nodded. "Why you asking?"

There it was - his typical smile, nearly a grin, with dimples carving into his cheeks just right next to the corners of his mouth.

"Well, to be all honest;" He grinned. "It made me wonder why you haven't left the room in a few days."

"Oh" I let out. "How many exactly?"

"Your assumptions?"

"Around 8 or 9." I shrugged, not really fascinated about our usual chat.

"Actually 4 but anyway." He smiled about his own sort of joke. Wow, not cool Harold, not cool. "Not cool?" He asked more serious, still amused.

I let out a dry laugh as I dedicated my eyes to the nature outside again. "No. Not cool at all."

"So tell me." Harold said. "Why didn't you try to leave, to escape? Did you lose hope or anything?"

I had to look at him again, shaking my head in the slightest. "I was tired." I said. "Pretty damn tired."

"I see you like to swear." He half smiled.

"Is that so.."

"Yeah." Harold nodded. "You always swear in your thoughts."

I faked a smile. "Ah yeah, I started to forget again."

"I offered you to write it down on your forehead."

"I remember." I said. "But no, thanks. I'd rather refuse to."

"That's okay."

Now, there was silence all over us. It was like the wind didn't make noises anymore that hit the glass of the windows outside, the facade of the mansion, it was like the electricity in the lamps didn't make sounds anymore. It was just quiet. Neither me nor Harold dared to say something. It was nearly awkward, seeing a hint of quandary in his expression. Internally, I had to smile at it, though. Not like I was laughing at him for being speechless in a situation when it comes to talking to me, I rather found it cute. And this worried me. A lot. But for the moment, I thought it was okay. I mean, he knew I found him beautiful so there's nothing much to lose anymore.

"Cute, huh?" Harold laughed, coming closer. "Well, that one's new to me."

"Yeah I assume." I nodded amused. "People call you scary or spooky but probably not cute."

He stood opposite of me with his shoulder and half of his back leaning against the wall. He stared outside just like I did before he entered. I could see the nature in his green orbs, being reflected in them. I automatically examined his face. His lips were cardioid, plump, rosy. Actually, he looked like a really good kisser and I was aware of him being able to hear my thoughts at this moment. His face was rather slim, completely covered under his pale skin. He had really good skin, though, it almost looked like he'd use acne creme or something. Lol no Rose, no. Just not now. You can ask him about his beauty essentials another time. Just don't ruin it.

"Were you lonely?" It bubbled out of me.

In that moment, his eyes disconnected the contact to the outside just to look at me, my eyes. I prepared for the goofy grin appearing on his mouth but it just didn't happen.

"It'd be a waste of time to tell you about being lonely." He snapped, his voice being surprisingly calm.

I didn't even take my usual mental step back, I just continued staring at him. "Why?"

His expression changed to confusion, like he didn't expect my response. He shrugged.

"Because you've never been lonely yourself so you wouldn't comprehend it anyway."

"Well, we've been friends for about 3.000 years now, you absolutely have the ability to judge about your prisoner in this way." I said, rolling my eyes to lock them with the trees outside again.

This made me angry because he couldn't know about me whether being lonely or not. He just couldn't. And doing it although he has no fucking clue just really raised my bad temper. I mean, maybe I was being a bitch against him, maybe also I judged him in an incorrect way. But now, I tried to talk to him. And me trying to talk to him after what he'd done to me and him having me caught inside his house - was an absolute miracle.

"I don't need your pity, if that's what you figured." He said, copying me.

With his elbows, Harold leaned on the windowsill, observing trees and birds and what not. It was so windy.

"I wasn't looking forward to empathize you, okay? I just tried to have a proper conversation." My voice didn't show any emotions.

"Why would you want to have a proper conversation with me?" Harold asked back.

"Maybe I'd just like to find out more about Harold Styles, the ghost spooking around his old house."

"Do you really?"

In the corner of my eye, I noticed how his head turned to face me. Yes Rose, keep going! I nodded.



hope you don't mind short chapters


one other thing I'd like to comment on; as some of you may know is that when you comment (no matter what actually) the chance of me responding is pretty high haha so just don't wonder why I'm commenting on your comments with something like ily xxx or anything. i just like to reply to you guys stuff haha

SEE YA LATER now that school has started again :(((((((((

lots of love

(comment your birthday here; mine's august 21 :-))


(p.p.s: if you struggle about anything, need help or feel alone or something just kik me @ milenaclifford I'd love to talk to you guys or help out :-))

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