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You cannot always run away.

At some point, Harold left the room and so left me alone. I was glad about having time on my own now but simultaneously I wanted to die. Still.

The want for death raised in my inner with every second and I was just about to hit my head against a wall when I heard a voice talking to me.

No, I heard it.

You promised me.

I couldn't identify the direction it came from, neither I could label it to a face so that I knew who spoke to me. Maybe it were my influenced thoughts that made me hear a voice like this or maybe my senses were the reason why I couldn't identify it.

As I stood up, it spoke out my name. It sounded so similar to me and as it hit me like lightening hits the ground, he stepped through the large, long wall.

I looked up to his face and I was so happy to see him again. I was happy that my thoughts about him being dead just flew away because this was the evidence; he lives.

"I don't, Rose." Ansel whispered.

I wanted to step toward him to get into his arms, to kiss him for the first time - for the last time - but he wouldn't let me.

"Rosalie." he stated.

I noticed the serious gaze on his face, the way it drew his features into something he never was.

You're going insane, my mind said, you're completely insane already. He's dead. You saw him dying in front of you, amongst your body, right next to your feet.

"You're thinking absolutely right, honey." Ansel smiled half-heartedly.

"Just look at me." he added.

And as he told me to, I let my eyes trail down his body to realize how pale he was. How invisible he actually seemed.

"You are..." I nearly shrieked in cognitive, holding my mouth and taking a large step back.

"Dead." he nodded. "Yes, I know."

And as my mind wanted to play a prank on me to make him look like Harold, he folded his hands behind his back and walked back and forth. This process was repeated a few times until he would finally stop to look at me. His blue eyes piercing into mine, making me feel refreshed because I haven't seen someone else's eyes in, like, two days. And two days made me go insanely weak and crazy but Harold was a ghost, he had the power to.

"How can you still believe that -" Ansel stopped, shaking his head.

"Believe what?"

"Believe that this was only one or two days." he stepped toward me and maked hold of my upper arms.

His touch felt so chilly on my warm skin, yet it felt so comfortable since it was so sultry in this room.

"You slept for nearly two weeks, Rosalie."

As I wanted to poke out to kiss him, he took a few steps back and I only realized what he just said.

"No" I laughed in disbelief. "That's impossible, no."

"Why would I lie to you, Rose?" he said with a stern expression spread across his features.

"Look. Me and the others died on the 14th of September at about 3.15 past midnight and if you look at the sun-" he walked over to the window. "You can clearly see how much it wandered which means that it's nearly October already. And also - I've been in this room with you the whole time."




Is there any other ghost that would like to admit its presence over the last couple of days without that I knew about? No?

"And you couldn't have realized." Ansel said.

I saw it on him and his eyes how sad he was. He never looked that sad, not even when his dog died and his dog was everything to him.

"He influences your senses and thoughts the whole time. The whole fucking time. He's a monster, okay? He killed me, Rose. Don't you see, he killed me."

Ansel looked like crying but couldn't. Maybe it was in a ghost's nature to not be able to do all these emotional things because Harold never showed any.

"I know." I nodded. "I know."

"I'm just a silhouette of my former existence, Rosalie. I'm fading with any minute and everything that once belonged to me starts to forget." he told me.

"What about your parents, your brother?"

"The police was here on Monday after we died because some of those who were with us in the flat told them that we went up here." Ansel looked down onto his hands, a mournful expression shattering the once so pretty face.

"And what? They must have found something, did they found me? Your corps?"

"They neither found you, nor our corps. He brought them into the woods and buried them somewhere in the middle of nowhere where nobody would ever look to find us. He's a monster. He just is."

I tried so hard to keep my mind happy with memories of me and Ansel and scenarios that may would have come true but I couldn't.

"Everything that once belonged to me starts to forget." he repeated his earlier words and fell down onto the floor.

I sat down as well to keep listening to what he wants to say.

"Everything that once should have belonged to me will forget."

His eyes discovered me.

"Will you forget me, too?"

What, wait. Everything that should have . Means that you should have been his as well, means that he felt the same way.

MEANS that if you die, you will be able to be with him.

"Ansel?" I asked back, full of excitement.


"Will you kill me?"


Aye short chapter ahoi

so here we are - ansel is back. sorta kinda whatever

Aw thanks guys for all the support you really are so amazing


love always ❤

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