Chapter 10

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  a little bit of smut-

The moment jared heard connor say those words, he nodded, still completely silent and guilt ridden. "y..yeah.. I mean.. I'm sorry... If you're mad I can see why. I won't be mad if you wanna go home now and never see me agai-"

  "no. No way in hell would I fucking leave you, ever, even during this. But shit. That wasn't your fault, we just shouldn't.. Have drunk that Much.. " connor inhaled and laced his hands with jared's, staring at his stomach a few times.. A baby was in there right now... In nine months it'd be here...hell. What were they supposed to do?

   "I- yeah.. But connor, what the hell are we gonna do?" jared questioned, his eyes darted to his own stomach. "we're on a fucking runway and I'm pregnant. What would we do nine months from now? A baby can't live in a car... And I'm sure as hell keeping them" he said the last part sharply, but sighed, taking one hand away and ran a hand through his brown hair, and then set his hand on his stomach.

   "we'll figure it out.. Find someplace..before then, or...-no, that would be our last option to. Go home. But I'll do anything honestly to make that not hapoen, and look all over for a place. He just ran a hand through jared's hair, cupping his cheeks after.

   Jared weakly smiled. "yeah...yeah...we have some time to do all that.. But...months go by quick.. So we better get enough money..more than.. " he just looked at the jar. "that..." he finished off.

  "I know.. Damn.. Uh... Let's talk about it later, we don't have to stress about it now, jare." connor huffed, but kissed him softly, getting a kiss back  before pulling away, soon starting the car, and off they were once again. But connor just... Was bewildered. A kid...his own baby.. With jared. If someone ever told him this would happen when he and jared didn't get along so well, he'd kill that person and then go and beat jared up for no reason. Then get high. But he didn't feel like that anymore.. Sure he had anger issues but he'd never hit jared..anymore-.

  Anyway, he started to think. Houses...yeah...they costed a l o t. Maybe.. An apartment? With..two rooms, one for him and jared.. And one for their baby. God connor couldn't get used to thinking that, but he had to. Maybe he could ask jared this.. His eyes glanced over to jared, who just stared at the front and sighed.

  "jared? Are you okay?"

"yeah.. Just... This is something to adjust to...a big thing to adjust to." jared nodded, looking over for a moment and back at the front. "I was thinking though, connor. Would an apartment be easy? Two bedrooms for me and you and the baby?"

  "did you like read my mind, dude? I was thinking the same thing" connor chuckled abit.

  "holy shit, It was just a hunch" jared laughed, smilimg to him. "but how much are apartments?" he questioned.

  "I don't know.. We can find out tomorrow and stay at a hotel tonight"

  "yeah, I agree, especially on the hotel part~" jared winked.

"jared kleinman I swear to god-"

Jared just laughed, "I'm kidding, I still feel like puking at times, so no sex." he just blushed lightly, but heard a faint chuckle fr connor that made his heart warm. He just smiled and looked ahead, already slowly taking the m&ms out from the bag and tore into them as they headed for the nearest hotel.

  After about an hour of searching, and a few stops for jared to puke, they found a nice hotel, getting their bags, until a small teeny arguments feuded because connor wanted to carry his bags for him since he was pregnant. But jared won it in the end, soon enough they booked a room and set their things down.

   Jared sighed in slight tiredness and relieve of finally getting to rest, sitting on the bed now and flopped back, not even bothering to change into some pajamas or something new. He just laid on his side, after setting his glasses on a nightstand, it was merely 8 or, 9 o'clock right now. And he wanted sleep.

  Connor just didn't really care for sleep at the moment, he wasn't all tired, but he gladly lied in the same bed as jared and wrapped his arms around jared's waist, planting a kiss on his cheek as he did, and neck softly.

  Jared smiled at him, blushing faintly from the kiss to his cheek, and neck. "someone's needy for kisses" he smirked, turning to face connor and kissed his lips softly.

"you damn right I am" connor snickered, "you think you'd be good tonight? I mean... Without puking?" he suggested, rubbing jared's waist.

  "so you and I can get it on?" jared raised a brow, being the tease he is.  When connor just simply smirked, giving that as his answer. Jared just chuckled, "you're so lucky I'm not feeling sick right now-" he pulled the murphy into a kiss, getting one back, their lips smashed against eachother and soft enjoyable noises between the two boys were heard.

  Connor just immediately rolled on top of him, his hands ran up and down jareds body softly, his lips never unconnecting from jared's lips, that is until they needed air. He panted softly as he pulled back, staring at jared. "damn, kleinman...let's do as much as we can before it kicks in"

  Jared was a bright red, a mess to be fair, his hands over his head laced with connors hands. "yes please-" he breathed out, immediately brought into a kiss, feeling one of connors hand escape his hand held, soon withering under his shirt, gently on jared's stomach for a few minutes as the kiss progressed. 

  Connor smirked as he bit on jared's lower lip, and let it go, hearing the boy moan under neath him. He just hurried to remove the others shirt, that is until jared had sat up, almost hitting the others head.

  "shit- it's kicking in" jared groaned out, moving past connor, and rushed to the bathroom. Puking for a couple of minutes before returning.


"yeah, connor I'm not in the mood anymore. It's hard to be after puking" jared chuckled, but grabbed mints and popped one in his mouth before tiredly cuddling up to connor in bed. Smiling to the kiss on his head.

  "alright. We should just sleep.. And go out looking for some apartment tomorrow.. " connor replied, lying back with the smaller boy in his arms, jared's head resting on his chest.

  "yeah.. But... Connor?"

"yeah jare?"

  " you think evans gonna find us and.. Bring us home?" jared looked at him, abit concerned at the protective grip now.

  "he's not gonna do that. Not on my watch." connor frowned, just holding him close.

  Jared nodded, sighing in relief. But he wearily smiled. "I love you.. "

  "I love you, too" connor pressed a kiss to the others lips, and soon, they both laid in the silence til they fell asleep.

Oof I'm so sorry for not updating! School.. And writers block.. This book might take some time since I plan on writing a billdip story too. And again, I'm really sorry for not updating!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2017 ⏰

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