Robbed Of My Innocence [10-25]

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This still haunts me to this day. I remember it pretty vividly, and I consider myself to have a bad memory.
When I was 10, my mother needed to go to Wal-Mart to grab some groceries. Being the hard headed kid I was, I didn't want to go inside so she let me stay in the car. I was reading a book and listening to music when all of a sudden an old beat up tan car parks next to me. I look over, and it's some guy in his 50s. The guy then opens his car door, and he's completely naked except for a trench coat. I freak out, and lock the doors. He begins to masturbate profusely while staring at me, and I just avoid eye contact. This goes on for about 10 until he finishes, and leaves.

My mom comes back about 20 minutes later, and I tell her what happened. She is pissed, and flags a security officer, but she didn't know English so I don't think it got through. My mom never left me alone in the car again until I was in my teens when I would just stay home. I also never found out any more information about him.

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