The Little Girls Room [10-27]

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When I was about 6/7, I used to take swimming lessons in a local pool after finishing school twice a week on Wednesday and Fridays. On Fridays mum would take me into McDonalds to get a milkshake as a treat afterwards. I'd sit and drink my shake, then we'd head home, no problems. This day was different.. I'd finished my shake and wanted the toilet before we left. So in I went, into the ladies on my own as I usually did. I noticed one cubicle was locked and thought nothing of it, went in the second, did my thing, flushed and noticed that the person in the other cubicle was unlocking the door too. I hadn't heard them flush.

I turned around and it was a man. Old, disgusting and tall. Why was he there? I innocently said "this is for ladies only, mister" and he said "why do you think I'm in here, little girl? It's music to my ears. Where is your mummy?" He took a few strands of my hair and twirled them between his grim fingers and reached a hand to grab me by the shoulder. I shook out of his grip and ran fast as I could back to mum, crying. I told her what happened. She told an attendant but by the time they checked he'd managed to slip out unnoticed and into the busy street.

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