What Happened To The Lock? [10-10]

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In college I lived with my mom and aunt. We had a house on a hill in the woods. You had to drive up to get to the garage and the front yard sloped down to the left to expose all the floors of a pretty turret on the side of the house.
To get to the front door, you had to step onto a wooden walkway that followed along the whole left side of the garage. There was about four feet between the bottom of the walkway and the ground underneath at the door.

I got home late one night and saw my aunts light was still on. She was a night owl like me.

I pulled in, parked and walked up to the front door. It was dark but I could see there was something wrong with the doorknob. It was hanging out of the door and the screws were mostly out. I unlocked the deadbolt, locked it again and went upstairs to ask my aunt what had happened to the knob.

She was really confused and told me she had just been out there smoking and it was fine. I told her it was broken and she argued that she had literally been out there only a minute before and hadn't even seen me pull in because she was still walking up the stairs to her room.

We both go back downstairs and I show her the door. Her face turned white and we realized that in the time between her shutting the door and me getting to it, someone had tried to break in buy pulling the locks out. We had many more instances after that with someone stalking us but never found out who it was.

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