Chapter 4 - Get To Know You

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The week flew by. It was Friday, and I was sitting down on the couch, wearing my old Mickey Mouse pyjamas, eating a tub of ice cream and watching Netflix.

My dad came into the room. "Did you just break up with someone Lex?" he said.

I rolled my eyes.

"Actually yes," I replied. "I just came out of a fake relationship. That's why I'm sitting on the couch eating ice cream and watching Netflix."

My dad laughed.

"But seriously?"

"Dad! You know I haven't had a relationship."

"I know. One of the things I like about you."

I threw a pillow at my dad.

I woke up early on Saturday. I had a shower - a cold one - and looked inside my wardrobe.

I chose a pink swimsuit and put it inside my bag. I picked out an olive top with my ripped shorts. I put on a little bit of lipstick and blusher. I rummaged through my accessory drawer and found hoop earrings and glasses.

I was ready. I checked the time. It was only nine. I went into the living room and slumped down on the sofa.

I was about to turn on the TV when my mum came into the room. "Alex," she said. "Where are you going dressed up like that?"

"The beach."

"With one of your friends from school?"

"Yes mum."

"Girl or boy?"


"Oh it's a boy."

My mum sighed. "Alex, you know that your father and I are looking to find you a suit-"

"Mum, when can I make my own choices? I don't want an arranged marriage!"

"Alex, please."

"Mum, please could we speak about this later?"


My mum looked at my face. "Alex, if you are gonna do your makeup, blend it. You look like Pennywise."

I opened my mouth in shock. My mum started to laugh. "You learn something new everyday sweetheart." she said, still laughing.

She walked out of the room.

Sometimes I wish I was just, normal.

My dad owns his own company, D.London, and he's loaded. My mum is a supermodel. We have a lot of money but I don't spend it. I work for my own money. I worked in McDonalds when I was fifteen for a couple of months. I have to attend balls, parties. I have to put on these big, posh dresses. My life seems controlled. I just want to have adventures, be myself, see the what the world could be without money.

I watched a bit of Mean Girls - watching rude girls really helps me in my mood swings.

It was 10.45am.

I was pretty nervous, since I have no clue which beach Jai is taking me to.

I texted Charlie.

Me: Charlie I'm boreddd

Charlie: eat food

Me: ??

Charlie: Helps with boredom

Me: ummmm

Charlie: anywayyyy are you doing anything today

Me: yeah going to the beach with Jai

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