Chapter Four

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I was scared, I'll admit it. I was alone, in a hotel, with a boy I barely knew, and had no way of communicating with him. We rode the lift to the 7th floor, and Harry put his hand on the small of my back, leading me to his room. Luckily, it was just us, at least from what I could tell. He led me over to a couch in the tv room, motioning for me to stay like I had done to him and the boys earlier. 

He went into another room, and came out a few moments later with two sketchbooks and two sharpies. One was pink, one was blue. Setting a sketchbook in my lap, he sat on the couch, facing me, holding up the two sharpies, silently asking which one I wanted. 

Smiling, I reached for the pink one, but before I could get it, Harry pulled it away from me, an obviously pretend "cross" expression on his face. I quirked an eyebrow at him, but when I reached for it again, he pulled it away AGAIN! He pointed at my lips, and then his cheek. 

Ohhhh. He wanted a kiss. Cheeky boy. I pulled his face to mine, and gave him a long kiss on the cheek, before snatching my pen out of his hand. 

<<Flirt(;>> I wrote, flashing the book at him. 

<<You love it, really.>> he scribbled. 

Before I could respond, he started writing again. I watched him, studying him with curiosity. His curls tumbled into his eyes as he bent his head. His eyebrows were furrowed in concentration, his lips pursed, yet...somehow still smirking. He always seemed to be smirking. His lips were the kind you just...wanted to control. To..kiss them, smooth the smirk away. Make them yours..

But that wouldn't happen. He was Harry Stules. I was Rosalie. Nothing...

He flipped the  book over to me so I could see what he wrote. 

<<Rosie...well. Two things. 1) can you do me a favor? and 2) please tell me what's wrong...>>

<<What's the favor? I can try my best for you. And it was nothing. Don't worry about it.>> 

I didn't want to bring him into this. It was just stupid drama that he really didn't need to concern himself with. 

Harry sighed. I could tell by the way his shoulders rose and slumped. I had become good at reading body language. It was easiest with Brandon, since I had known him for so long. But Harry was like an open book. 

I could see the confusion on his face. The worry in his eyes. He wanted to do something, but wasn't sure what, he kept fidgeting, he was also nervous. 

<<Rose, you're lying. If it was nothing you wouldn't  have come to me, alone, and crying. Let me be there for you. Let me in...>>

<<Harry. I don't even know you.>>

He looked hard at me, reaching up and gripping my chin.

"Why then?" he said, slowly enough that I could read the words from his lips. 

I didn't answer, instead, I reached my hands up, running my fingers gently down his face. He shivered slightly under my touch, I ran my fingers over his lips, they felt slightly chapped, yet smooth. His hands reached up and gripped mine tightly, eyes boring into mine. 

His eyes. honestly, I could get lost in them. The way they looked into me, trying to understand. It was different. When most people looked at me they were obviously judging and it hurt. But Harry's gaze, was trying to understand me. 

I did the first thing that popped into my head. I kissedhim. 

As soon as our lips touched, I felt this electricity, this...spark. Harry froze, shocked at first. Hell, I was shocked. I never did anything like that. Ever. But Harry slinked his arms around me, pulling me into him, deepening the kiss. I snaked my arms around his neck, curling my fingers in his hair, tugging softly on them. 

Harry moaned, I felt the vibration of it from being so close. But I couldn't hear it. I was...damaged. no good. Harry could have a normal girl, and here he was, stuck with me. I felt tears spilling out of my eyes again, and I pulled away. Harry's lips were moving, eyes concerned. As always. I disentangled myself from Harry, stumbling towards the door in my heels. 

If I got upset when I was with Brandon, he would let me walk away. Apparently Harry wasn't like that. Strong hands gripped my arms, whirling me around to face a wild eyes boy. Before I could even THINK, his lips crashed down on mine, kissing me roughly. 

I wanted to leave, but I wanted to kiss Harry too. His tongue slid along my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I opened my mouth, feeling his tongue exploring the inside. 

He lifted me up by my hips, and my legs wrapped around his waist. But then...Harry dropped me. I stumbled a couple of steps, looking at him confused. He looked scared, and his lips were moving wildly, too quick for me to read. 

I turned to see who he was talking to but as soon as I turned I felt a hard painful slap across my face. Standing in front of me was a very angry but very gorgeous girl. She had bright green eyes like Harry, and auburn hair. She was skinny, with pale skin, and was wearing a black dress that hugged her curves. She was freaking out, and I saw her raise her hand to hit me again. 

Harry jumped to stop her but wasn't quick enough. She hit me again, her ring slicing my face as it came down. Harry was pulling her now, talking to her, rubbing her back, and her neck. I saw her kiss him, and I felt my heart catch in my throat. Before I could see anything else, I ran out the door, opting for the stairs instead of the lift. 

This time, I ran home, tears blinding me, almost getting hit by multiple cars. I tripped up the stairs to my flat, throwing the door open, it slammed into a wall, knocking over my guitar and pictures off the wall. Brandon appeared in the doorway, looking panicked, and then ran over to me. 

I clung to him, sobbing into his shirt. He didn't ask questions. Didn't push me for answers. Just...held me, and let me cry. 



Another short chapter..working on getting them longer. feedback? maybe? x3

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