Chapter Seven

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I was sitting at the table, sketching flowers on some loose paper in front of me, bored out of my mind. 

Brandon still wasn't back with Trevor, and the boys were all off doing their own things. Which...I couldn't really be a part of anyway; but that was out of the question. 

Zayn and Liam were napping on couches. 

Simon had left a little bit ago, writing down the instructions that I was to shoot him a text when Brandon returned so that he was able to meet Trevor. 

Louis and Niall were goofing off on their phones, laughing, it was obvious by their shaking shoulders and the expressions on their faces. 

And Harry and Victoria were all...snuggled up on another couch. 

I felt flares of jealousy in my stomach at the sight of them. 

I shouldn't though. She was his girlfriend. 

The problem was. She walked in on me kissing Harry. And slapped me. And now I have an awful gash on my face because of it. 

And now, she kept glaring at me, even now. She had Harry; the guy that everybody freaking wanted. He was hers. And I had just...pretty much told him off. And she still had to be a bitch to me. 

I saw a movement out of the corner of my eye and whirled around, relaxing when I realized that it was only Louis. I gave him a tiny wave, and he started to speak, and then stopped, remembering that I couldn't hear him. 

He motioned to the paper in front of me, and the pen in my hand, so I slid some paper to him, and handed him the pen. 

I watched his hands as he messily scrawled a message on the paper in dark ink. 

I was always watching people's hands; I had noticed that recently. 

It was like....I had to use my hands. 24/7. There was never really a time I wasn't using them for something. They were totally necessary for my communication. But other people. they didnt need them. Well. They needed them. But if they didn't have them, they would be able to use their voices and ask people for things. I wouldnt be able to do that. And I found it interesting to watch them, and watch how different people used their hands for things. Like when Louis wrote. 

He held the pen between hid middle and ring finger, letting his hand slide lazily across the paper. 

Any idea who Haz's mystery girl is from last night? (;

I looked up at him quizzically and he shot me a cheeky wink. I rolled my eyes at him before writing back. 

I have absolutely no idea! Maybe some prossie he met on a corner? ;P

I slid the paper back over to him. 

He chuckled before scribbling his response. 

Mmmmm I don't think so love. See. I know who it was. She...she's a very pretty stylist. And she's got a lot of really cool tattoos. And her name rhymes with... 'Posalie.' 

I rolled my eyes again. 

Really? Posalie? You couldn't have said...'she has sexy cheetah hair?



....There's pictures. And you just admitted it pretty much. And it explains the death glare from Victoria you're getting this second. And the scratch on your face. cannot say anything. 


I barely know him Louis. It kiss. I told him it didn't mean anything. And besides. He looks more than comfy over there with his little bitch.

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