Princess in Disguise

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"Oh, Jackie!" I called as I flew down to home after a long journey.
"Uncle, Sparrows back!" Jack handed the reigns of their horse to his uncle and raced to meet me where I landed. When I did, he nearly tackled me in a hug.
"Hello Jack. How've ya been?" I laughed.
"Well, uncle wants me to go sell the horse. Then after that to pull the weeds around the back of the house. You wanna come with? You can tell me all about the adventure you had this time." He looked at me with hopeful eyes.
"Sure, lets go." I first grabbed the harness that held my wings close to my back to hide them under my cloak, then I took the reigns from his uncle and we were on our way. I told him in detail all about the giant basilisk I took down. He always was amazed by my stories. When we got there, he started calling out to sell his horse while I was trying to sell the basilisk teeth and such. Well, we were selling, until Jack saw the sign for the play of Erik the Great. He gave me a pleading look and I sighed. He knew I gave in so he tied up the horse and almost dragged me inside. I noticed that he kept staring at a pretty girl in a cloak and smirked.
"She is way outa your league." I elbowed him in the ribs. She then started to leave when some drunken men kept bothering her. But they followed her and started putting their hands all over the poor girl. I knew I had to do something and it seemed Jack had the same idea. Seeing those men made my blood boil. Jack shoved the men away from her and I caught her before she fell to the ground.
"Hey. Hey. That's no way to treat a l-" Jack was cut off by a punch to the face from one of them. I jumped in front of him and did a triple kick to them. Knocking them all to the ground.
"To be honest you looked a little to drunk to do that. What say we let the good lady go home and I'll consider forgetting all about this" Jack said to them as I heard horses riding up behind us. Turning my head to look, I find the kings guard." The men started apologizing real quick but Jack thought they were speaking to him. The girl took off her hood to reveal that she was the princess. She tried to get on a horse behind one of the guards but was having a bit of trouble. So I went up to her and locked my hands together for her to use as a foot stool.
"Thank you." She gave me a thankful smile.
"Your welcome." I smile back, happy that she was one of the nicer royals rather than the snooty type.
"There's something behind me, isn't there?" Jack asked when everyone bowed and turned around to the blade in his face. I stormed over and shoved the blade away, getting protective of his.
"Really? Are you seriously going to stick a blade in the face of a guy who just helped the princess?" I said with so much sass.
"What's your name?" He asked, but good lord he was gorgeous.
"I really don't think you need to know that."
"Something wrong with your knees, Jack, miss?" He said. Jack seemed to have an aha moment and knelt.
"Well, looking back at that triple kick I just did, I'd say they're just fine. Now I don't kneel but I will bow." And that I did. But before they left, I reached into my bag and pulled out a small basilisk fang. Handing it to the princess, she gave me a confused look.
"Just a small but rare token." I smiled.
"Thank you, but what is it?" She was still a bit confused.
"A basilisk fang." I smirked. "Tata." I waved and walked off, knowing I gave them a mysterious first impression of myself. I had a feeling it wouldn't be the last time I'd meet them. I knew I'd see Jack back at the house, so I went to the woods to call for my black panther who's the size of a bear, Matrix. I gave a high pitched whistle and was almost tackled by him.

"Hey bud." I started playing with him until it started to rain, by then it was already getting dark.
"Come on Matrix." We ran for the house. I almost ran into Uncle as he walked out of the house angerly.
"Is everything alright, Uncle?" I asked in concern.
"Your idiot of a cousin has sold the horse for beans! Beans i tell you! So now i have to go sell his parents things!" He just about yelled. I looked at him sympathetically, knowing that Jack can be quite a handful and sometimes doesn't use his head.
"Here Uncle, take this. Its water resistant." I took off my cloak and gave it to him to use.
"And here, you can sell the stuff i got off the Basalisk." I handed him the bag. "Theres a list of what sells for how much in the bag aswell."
"Thank you Sparrow. Your an angel." He hugged me.
"No, I'm a monster hunter. Now you best go if you want to make it back by morning." He laughed and left as i went inside with Matrix trailing behind me. I climbed up into my bed which was almost like an attic since i like being up high.
"What are you doing?" Jack asked.
"Sleeping, monster hunting is hard work." I laid down and was out like a light.

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