Up and Out

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Sparrows POV:

The giants were all distracted by food in the main area, making it easier to slip in. We were almost caught by a pair of giants walking in behind us so we slipped under a door into a different room to get out of sight. I watched through the cracks of the door as the giants left. Jack tapped my shoulder, getting me to turn around. I gapped at the contents of the room. All around there was gold stuff, so much more then enough to rebuild my society. I opened my small bag that I put an expansion charm on and started throwing some gold in it as fast and quiet as I can, Jack helping me, before we continued on our search. But just before we left, I spotted a beautiful egg that looked to be made of gold but I knew better. I snatched it up and put it in my back and followed Jack out. We followed the sound of Isabelle's voice into what looked like a kitchen. Isabelle saw us and smiled so wide while Jack shushed her to be quiet as to not alert the giant. I looked around and saw the strangest thing, Elmont looking like a pig in a blanket along with two other pigs. My head tilted and eyebrows scrunched together in slight confusion. I gave Isabelle the same look and pointed at him. She only shrugged.
"I'll help Elmont, you get Isabelle." I whispered so quietly to Jack. I made my way over to Elmont who was too distracted with watching what the giant was doing to notice me. I laid on top of him, scaring him half to death.
"Well isn't this just the most interesting predicament I've ever seen." I said teasingly.
"I had this, Sparrow. I took my eyes off the ball for just a second. I had this." He claimed.
"Uhuh, sure you did." I said sarcastically and started cutting the dough with one of my daggers.
"Ow. Careful." He said. I put my hand over my heart and 'Aw'ed.
"Your sensitive. That's sweet, I like that." I continued cutting.
"Really?" He perked up a bit, especially when I hummed a yes. The giant was coming back over so I handed him the knife through the hole I cut in the dough and hid behind a barrel as jack did the same. The giant stabbed tooth picks through the pigs and Elmonts dough, just barely missing his genitals. Elmont sighed in relief as I tried not to laugh at the squeak he made when the pick went through the dough. The giant put the tray with Elmont in the oven. I flew to the oven to help him but he shooed me off.
"No, Sparrow, no. Your wings. Don't risk it. I have the knife, just go." He whisper yelled at me. I hesitantly flew up to where Jack was on a hanging knife rack. Just as the giant was about to chop up Isabelle, Jack took a knife out of the rack and dropped it on the Giant, landing in its back. The damn giant ran around the room screaming and trying to get the knife out. I flew behind him, launching myself off the wall, flipping and kicking the knife deeper into his back, killing him. I grabbed Jack and flew down as Elmont and Isabelle walked over.
"Well done, Jack, well done. That move you did was amazing, Sparrow. Here." Elmont handed my dagger back to me.
"We know the way out of here. Where's Crawe?" Jack asked. The two looked down glumly as Elmont shook his head. I opened my arms for Isabelle to hug me, which she did gratefully.

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