Another Adventure Awaits

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I woke up to a pain in my left wing. I opened my eyes, shaking my head to clear my vision. I heard whining below me and looked down, realizing that I was hanging about 8 feet in the air with my left wing stuck in the stalk. Well, now I know why my wing socket hurts. Matrix was whining and clawing at the stalk. He seemed to have heard something and ran off. I saw my weapons bag on the ground with a few of them on the ground around them. The closest one what my sword. I began trying to get the sword with my wing to drag it over. Sadly, it was too far. But that didn't mean I wasn't gonna keep trying.
Elmont's POV:
We were tracking Isabelle again, and it seemed to be leading us to a giant bean stalk. As we got closer, something came running to us. It was as big as a bear but had a different body structure. We all pulled out our weapons but it just whined at us, pacing in front of as and turned to the way it came. It looked back at us and seemed as if it wanted us to follow it. I was the first to move, guiding my horse towards it. It seemed to be satisfied by my move cause it ran a ways in front of us and turned back to make sure we were following. It lead us to the bean stalk and we saw something more surprising than ever. The beautiful girl I saw yesterday but this time she had wings, one of which were stuck in the bean stalk. She didn't seem to notice us as she was trying to reach a sword with her unstuck wing.
"Come on. You can do it, Sparrow. One, two, three, reach! Ow, ow, ow, ow." She spoke to herself.
"My god, what is that?" Roderick asked. She looked over to us like she'd seen a ghost.
"Um, hi?" She said, unsure.
"Are you in need of assistance?" The king asked.
"No, no, I... yeah. Yeah, I do." She admitted after taking another look at the predicament she was in.
"Alright Crawwe, you cut her down. I'll catch her." I said, getting off my horse. He did as I said as I stood ready.
"Oh, careful, careful, careful." She said as he started cutting the part that was trapping her. Once she was loose she fell into my arms. She looked at me, her eyes a dark, sapphire blue. It was almost like she could see into my soul, tell me things I didn't even know about myself. There was a strange aura to her, but what, I could not say yet.
"Um, you can put me down now." She said.
"Oh, right. Sorry." I set her on her feet and she stretched her wings that looked of a sparrows.
Sparrow's POV:
It felt good to stretch my wings after that.
"Excuse me. But what exactly are you?" The king asked.
"You want the honest truth?" I asked and he nodded.
"I don't know. I was just born like this." I shrugged.
"Your highness." A guard said and pointed to an unconscious Jack. I sat down and let them deal with Jack. He'll get a piece of my mind later. I just payed attention to Matrix.
"Jack! Jack! What have you done?!" I stood up and walked next to Jack as uncle came yelling, the guards wouldn't let him pass though.
"Who is this man?" The king asked.
"He's my uncle. Your majesty, I want to volunteer. And Sparrow will come too." Jack volunteered us.
"Why don't we bring wives and lady friends." One of the guards said.
"Excuse me? You wanna say that again? Oh, don't make me come over there and beat your mortal ass." My feathers fluffed in annoyance.
"Let's not be hasty. I think the young man should come. The woman seems to have quite the temper and seeing from the bag of weapons on her back, she may be able to use them. Elmont, didn't you say that she was the girl who gave Isabelle the basilisk tooth? Where do you think she got that? Plus, they're the only ones who saw what happened. They might shed light on this mystery." A lord said.
"Your majesty-- no Elmont, Roderick's right. They might be an asset. But I would like to know where the girl got that tooth from." The king cut elmont off and looked at me. I opened my mouth to make something up but Jack said something first.
"She's a Witcher." They all gasped.
"Jack, your a complete idiot! You don't just tell people that! Do you not remember me telling you about the bad reputation witchers have! Even if they save people!" I yelled at him.

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