Chapter 1

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"Don't panic!  It'll be ok!"  Erza said, as she rang the hospital.

"It's hard not to when you're in labour!"  I yelled back, crying out as I pushed.  I could hear Erza talking on the phone, but I was oblivious.  All I could concentrate on was the baby I was pushing out. 

"It'll be ok Lucy, someone'll be here soon."  I nodded unconsciously. 


A few hours later, I was sat holding my baby girl.  She was tiny, with a squished face and a mop of pink hair.

"She's beautiful."  Erza said, squeezing my shoulder.  I nodded happily, staring at her.

"What's her name?" 

"Nashi."  I smiled, letting her wrap her small hand around my finger.  "Her name's Nashi."

"Are you going to tell Natsu?"  My head snapped up.

"No!"  I said.  "No.  I won't."  I looked back down at Nashi.  "He has his fiance, and I don't want to disrupt their life and..."  I trailed off.

"Lucy..."  Erza said quietly.  "You'll be ok on your own, right?"

"Yes.  I will."  I kissed Nashi's forehead.  "She's so perfect."


"Mummy!  Mummy!"  Nashi called running up to me.  She promptly fell and tripped over, she hadn't gotten used to it yet, she was only one.

"Oh!  Are you ok?"  I ran towards her, and picked her up.  She nodded, and held up a piece of paper.

"Look."  She said.  The page was covered in random scribbles.

"What is it?"  I asked.

"Butterflies."  She said proudly.

"It's a very beautiful picture."  I said.  "What colours did you use?"

"Blue, and lellow."  She said.  The painting was red and yellow.   I laughed.

"I thought that was red?"  I said.

"Red."  She repeated happily.  Erza, who had been listening nearby, laughed.  I looked up at her.

"Thank you so much for looking after her."  I said, as Nashi squirmed to free herself from my grip.  "Stay there sweetie."  I said.

"I'm happy to help."  She paused, and I knew she was going to say the thing she always said whenever she saw us.  "You should contact Natsu."

"I can't.  He doesn't need to know he has a daughter."  I said.  Nashi looked up at me.

"Daddy?"  I sighed and stroked her hair.

"No sweetie.  Not daddy."  I looked at Erza.  "Thank you so much for looking after her again."  I walked to my apartment with Nashi, setting her down and holding her hand.  Nashi tugged my hand and pointed to a playground.

"Not now."  I said.  Nashi looked down sadly, and I immediately felt bad. 

"Ok, just a bit."  Nashi smiled and ran over to the slide.  I followed, helping her up the ladder.  She went down a few times, crying out her 'wheeeee' every time.  I smiled at her.  When the time came to go, I told her one last slide. 

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