Chapter 11

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"Morning babe."  I heard as I woke up, Natsu was propped up on one elbow, smiling at me. I grinned back, and he lowered his head to me, touching his lips to mine. 

"Morning."  I said, before kissing him again, this time my mouth being consumed by his as he hungrily slipped his tongue in.  His sudden passion surprised me, but I welcomed it, allowing myself to wrap my legs around him as he palm my breast.  Natsu's hand crept between my legs, fingering my opening.

I gasped, arching my chest into him as a finger entered me.  He kissed me deeper, the force pushing me further into the mattress.

"I love you."  I breathed, as my hand found it's way to his crotch, palming him through his boxers.  Natsu jerked off me, pulling his boxers off, before entering me swiftly.  I didn't fail to notice the pause he took.  He thrust into me, letting out a small groan of pleasure, as I moaned.

"I love you too."  He said, after a few moments of silence, touching his lips to my neck.


"Lucy."  I said.  "It's lovely to see you."  The blonde haired girl turned around, a look of confusion temporarily on her face.  When she saw me, she smiled.

"Hi Lisanna.  Good to see you too."  She nodded in the direction of her daughter.  "I would call her over, but she's having a bad day.  I don't want to cause a tantrum."

"It'd ok, I understand."  Lucy tucked a piece of stray hair behind her ear.  I was struck by how young she was, twenty, with a one year old child, no partner and barely a job.  There wasn't something about her appearance though.  Her face was young, she had a babyface that made her seem younger, but at the same time, her dark circles and worry lines made her appear older.

Yet there was something about her.  If I was to rate her, I'd describe her as fairly average.  Her body was good, and she wasn't the most gorgeous girl I'd seen, but she almost seemed to glow.  As though she was so full of love and happiness that it was overflowing.  Especially when she was with Nashi.

Said toddler made her way over to the swings, and it was as if a switch had been flipped in Lucy.

"Nashi be careful!"  She yelled, practically sprinting towards her daughter, scooping her up as she neared the swings.  "We don't go to the swings on our own, do we?"  She said, hoisting her onto her hip.

"I'm sorry."  Lucy said, holding onto a now wailing Nashi.  "She didn't get much sleep.  Can you hold her while I put the sling on?"

"Sure."  I held out my arms for her, and she handed Nashi over.

"Thank you."  Lucy said, wrapping it around herself, before taking her daughter off me.  "Shh shh, come on sweetie, let's have a nap."  She bounced up and down, holding Nashi.

"Well, it was nice seeing you."  I said.  Lucy nodded.

"Yeah, I'll see you soon?"



"You ok?"  Natsu looked at me from across the table.

"Yeah."  I paused for a bit.  "I saw Lucy before on my way here.  With Nashi."


"And it got me thinking,"  I placed my hand over his, "Why don't we try for a kid?"  I could feel his slight recoil, and I felt my heart sink a little.

"I mean, we've been married for nearly two years, isn't it about time?"  I pushed further.

"I-I guess."  He said, "I just never really thought about it.  I suppose because I already have a child with Lucy."

"But she's not your wife.  I am."  I laughed before adding, "Don't you need a legitimate heir for the company?"  There was a long pause before he spoke, just like this morning. 

"I don't know, Lisanna."  He said, pulling his hand away.  "I don't know whether I'm ready to be a full time dad."

I could feel tears well up.  I didn't know why, I just felt them. 

"I need to go to the toilet."  I said, standing up abruptly.

"Get a grip of yourself,"  I spoke to my reflection.  "You can do this.  Natsu loves you."  Saying at loud suddenly made me second guess it.  He did love me, didn't he?  I thought about when I mentioned Lucy, the way he suddenly seemed to brighten.  How the last time we saw her he'd kept glancing over at her, his gaze lingering a fraction of a second too long.  No.  He loved me.


We walked back in silence.  I couldn't shake off the thought that he was in love with Lucy.  Slowly I touched my fingers to his, the tips brushing his softly.  He didn't react to me, and I withdrew my hand quickly.  I glanced up at him, trying to gauge what he was thinking.  I couldn't tell.  The silence was deafening.

"Do you love Lucy?"  I asked, breaking the quiet.

"What?"  He said.

"Do you?"  Another long pause.  I should've known what his answer was then, but I was still holding onto the hope that he still loved me, not her.

"I don't know.  Maybe."  Was his reply.  I laughed in my head.  At least he was honest.

"Ok."  I stepped away from him.  "I'll walk back on my own."

"Lisanna."  He said, reaching out to me.

"No Natsu.  You just told me you might love someone else.  And I know it was me who asked, but that doesn't mean I don't need time to process it."  I said, increasing my pace so that I was in front of him. 

I reached the road and crossed, not looking at the traffic.  The last thing I heard was Natsu yelling my name, and the car horn.


Pretty quick update.  I'm proud of myself.  I hoped you enjoyed the change of POV.  Thank you for bearing with this book.  Oh!  And this is the last chapter of Room 42.  The next book in the trilogy is the last!  I think.  In my mind it is.  There might end up being more books, lol.

Also, last chapter and the chapter before I had quite a few people complaining about a) the Sting x Lucy lemon and b) the fact that there is a lot of NaLi.  Please respect that this is my book and that this is how I've chosen to let the story progress! 

Hope you enjoyed!

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