Chapter 4: Lucy's Story

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"You know, I'm not sure if you two have quite gotten the idea of this game!" Peter said with a laugh.  Him and Jo had run up the hallway to find Edmund and Lucy standing by the curtains.  Edmund rolled his eyes at Lucy and glared at her.

"But weren't you wondering where I was?" Lucy asked quietly.

Edmund threw his hands in the air, "That's the point!  That's why he was seeking you!"

"Lucy, are you alright?" Jo asked with concern, brow furrowed.

"Of course I am!"

"Does this mean I win?" Susan asked, appearing from around the corner.

Peter sighed, "I don't think Lucy wants to play anymore,"

Lucy's eyes were laced with confusion, the smile on her face disappearing.  Surely they had noticed her absence?  She had been gone for hours!  She shook her head and took Peter's hand, "There's a wood in the wardrobe, I'll show you!"

Without another word she dragged Peter down the hall, leaving the other three in confused glances to each other.  They followed after them quickly and found themselves in an old, dusty room.  Against the back wall stood a massive wardrobe, with beautifully carved animals and trees. 

Susan approached the doors of the wardrobe and ran her hands along the carvings, "Lucy, what kind of game-"

"I'm not playing a game, Susan!" Lucy cried out.

"Well alright, we'll have a look." Peter said as he too approached the wardrobe.  Soon, the older friends were investigating every nook and cranny around and inside the wardrobe.  Jo decided to take a step inside, noticing that the wardrobe smelled clean and fresh.  This surprised her, seeing as moth balls covered the floor and dust lingered on the coats.  Pushing her way to the back, she stuck her hand out and soon felt her hands touch the back of the wardrobe.  It was a comfort, actually. 

When she emerged, the siblings all stood awaiting her answer.

"Lucy there's only coats and old moth balls in there." she said with a frown.

"The only wood in here is the back of the wardrobe," Susan added on.

Peter placed a hand on her shoulder, "One game at a time, Lu.  We don't all have your imagination."

Lucy's eyes began to fill with tears as she shook her head, "But I wasn't imagining!" She exclaimed, nudging Peter's hand away.

"That's enough," Susan growled, earning a look from Jo.

Edmund took a step forward, "Well I believe you,"

"You do?" all the others asked simultaneously. 

Jo could see the smirk playing at Edmund's lips, he was lying.  Anger coursed through her blood at whatever cruel remark she knew this boy was going to make.

"Yeah, didn't I tell you about the football field I found in the bathroom closet?"

"Edmund!" Jo scolded, glaring at the boy.

Peter's glare overpowered hers instantly, "Why don't you just stop it?  You always have to make things worse, grow up!"

Edmund's eyes widened and the anger radiated off of him, Jo took a step back as he shoved Peter backwards, "Shut up!" he cried out, "You think you're dad, but you're not!"

With that, the younger boy stormed out of the room, his footsteps loudly hitting against the floor.  The door to the room was left wide open, everyone else stared after it.  Susan slowly turned back and rolled her eyes, staring at her older brother.  Jo could see the look of guilt in Peter's eyes, but she didn't feel one bit bad for him.

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