Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

     Victoria grabbed my hand, holding it up so that she could inspect the rock that was currently sitting on my finger. If I hadn't been in so much shock, I would've snatched my hand away.

"This better not be what I think it is." She stated in disbelief. I yanked my hand back down.

"It's a freaking ring, Victoria. What else could it be?" I said frustrated, before dropping my hands back onto my desk. "Goodness. What have I done? What have I done." I shrieked.

A couple of our coworkers gave us odd looks as they passed by my cubicle.

"What am I going to tell my parents?" I cried loudly, "What am I going to tell Jason?"

Victoria shushed me and patted my back. "Look, for all we know you probably may not even be married. Maybe you just woke up at some guy's house and happened to  have a ring on." She said calmly before shaking her head. "Yeah, even I don't believe that one." She placed a hand on her forehead. "Do you have any idea on who you could've went home with last night?"

I sighed loudly, willing myself not to smack her across the head. "I told you I can't remember anything. What part of that don't you understand?"

She held up a hand. "Okay, I'm sorry, but look at the bright side, it's not like he knows anything about you or where you work right?" She questioned.

I slowly nodded my head. "Yeah, I don't think I gave him my number, but he said something about meeting for lunch."

"Well, do you know where he wants to meet?"

I shook my head.

"Problem solved!" She clapped her hands together, "Now you won't ever have to see him again. You can just throw away the ring and fake like the whole thing never happened." She concluded like it was the easiest thing ever.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure that would be illegal later on when I actually try to marry someone else and it already says that i'm married. I have to hand it to you, Victoria, really solid idea." I said sarcastically.

She pouted. "I'm just trying to help. I feel a little bad."

"A little?" I started just when Jason came from around the corner. He had on a navy blue plaid shirt and a pair of blue jeans. When he noticed us, he stopped, leaning against my cubicle. His dark brown eyes found mine and he smiled. "Hey Simone. Hey Victoria." He greeted. I unconsciously hid my left hand beneath my desk and smiled.

"Good morning, Jason, how are you?" I asked nervously.

He scratched his jaw. "Tired, last night was wild." He said, before grinning. "You should know, you looked like you were having a great time."

My heart instantly sped up at that comment. "Oh, I'm still a little hazy on last night. D-Did you and I hang out at the club?"

He nodded. "Yeah, we talked for awhile and danced here and there. It was pretty packed though, I almost lost you a couple times." He chuckled to himself.

From the corner of my eyes, I could see Victoria sending me a thumbs up. I was feeling a little relieved, maybe it wouldn't be so bad if I had gotten married to Jason last night. I did like him.

When I was ready to ask him if we had stayed together after leaving the club, he spoke up. "Yep, last night was fun, too bad my stupid brother had a flat. I had to drive all the way across town just to pick him up and ended up staying the night at his place." He finished before looking down at his watch. "Well, it's almost lunch time. See you guys at the cafeteria." He waved, walking down the hallway.

Victoria's smug look dropped and I sunk down further into my chair. "Who could this ring be from?" I asked myself, growing more and more irritated by the second.

Before I could wallow anymore in my self misery, my phone started to ring.

"Who's calling you at work?" Victoria asked, " No one ever does that. Well, besides me."

I pulled my phone out of my purse. "I don't know it's an unknown number." I said, placing it back into my purse.

Victoria sighed. "Well, why don't we just take our minds off of the ring for awhile and go downstairs and get some lunch?" She said. I rubbed my forehead tiredly, "Sure. Just let me take this ring off." I replied, slipping it into the front of my purse.

As we headed down to the cafeteria I couldn't help but feel anxious, like something bad was going to happen.

As we approached the front desk of the building, there were a group of women and a few men all gathered in a small circle. They were loud, obviously really excited for some reason.

"What do you think has them so excited?" Victoria asked curiously. I shrugged my shoulders.

"No idea, but I don't care." I replied, pulling her in the direction of the cafeteria.

Just as we passed the group of screaming women, the same voice I had heard that morning erupted from the center.

"Excuse me, but the person i'm looking for is here now." The man's voice stated.

I cringed slightly, trying to convince myself that maybe I was just hearing things. That had to be it. I was just paranoid, I assured myself as I continued to walk in the direction of the cafeteria.

After walking a few steps, I realized that Victoria was no longer following me. I turned around to see her frozen in place with her mouth hanging open. I turned in the direction that her eyes were focused and I did a double take, and then six more.

It was Lee..from the passengers!

What in the world was he doing at our office and who was he looking for?

After he forced his way through the group, he headed in our direction. I thought he would keep walking until he found the person he was looking for, but he stopped right before me and smiled. I couldn't think coherently, my mind was jumbled. I was standing in front of Lee, drummer of the passengers. I wanted to faint. I tried to make a sentence, but the words just wouldn't come out. I was too awestruck to do anything but just watch him in disbelief. I couldn't believe this was actually happening.

His dark eyes stared down at me momentarily before slowly dropping and narrowing in on my left hand. When they came across my naked left ring finger, his smile suddenly disappeared and a frown replaced its place.

"Where's your ring?"

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