It's You

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Suga felt extremely disappointed when he realised that he's going home empty handed. He had been excited because he's finally able to know the whole truth behind saving his life, or so he thought. Not only did he feel disappointed, he also was confused by Chaeyoung's sudden act. Out of the blue, she started crying and apologising for things Suga wasn't able to make sense of. He drove back home wishing to find an answer somewhere so he can feel relieved. But he only felt like everything is running away from him. He shook his head when he felt that he lost focus and tried to focus only on driving but a certain view grabbed his attention. When he checked the side mirror, he saw a girl running to his direction. She seemed tired and barely able to run but when he widened his eyes trying to have a clearer view, he recognised her. He saw Chaeyoung running trying to catch up with him as if her life depended on it. With a hurt leg, she ran hard as she waved to him. He felt extremely concerned because she was running despite her injury so he thought that it has to be something serious.

"Are you okay?" A worried Suga asked "why are you running?"

"It's me" Chaeyoung cried hard "I was the one who saved you" Chaeyoung started crying "I'm sorry I put you through a lot"

"What are you talking about. You put me through what?" Suga smiled "you saved my life Chaeyoung-sshi"

"I lied about the truth" Chaeyoung said with a crying voice "you must've had a hard time looking for me"

"Just hop in, let's talk inside the car" Suga looked around "people are starting to notice us" he said as he helped her get inside the car.

"Where are you driving?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Somewhere else where we can talk without being looked at" Suga said "so... What changed your mind? Why did you decide to come back?"

"I felt horrible when I saw how disappointed you were" Chaeyoung lowered her head.

"And why have you always denied that you saved me?"

"It's complicated" Chaeyoung avoided him.

"Ah-ha! I'm listening"

"Humph! I knew you had that dream and I knew that you mistook me the other day because I looked like the girl in your dream but there are a lot of things that you don't know, that's why I avoided you"

"What are these things that I don't know about?" Suga asked.

"Nevermind" Chaeyoung tried to change the topic "but if only you were a bit careful while crossing the street, I wouldn't have gone through all of this"

"I'm sorry" Suga looked at her "and thank you, I owe you this"

"Keep it zipped and drive" Chaeyoung lifted her shoulders then she suddenly lowered her head and voice "don't take me back to my dorm, just go to your place and I'll take a cab from there"

"Why? So you can bully me for being rude" Suga teased.

"No, I have my reasons" she avoided him.

"Can I know about these mysterious reasons"

"Absolutely not" Chaeyoung flinched.

"Then I'm taking you to your dorm" Suga turned the car suddenly.

"Nooooo! STOP" Chaeyoung yelled as she hit his hand and started crying.

"Hey! What's wrong with you?" Suga felt startled.

"Don't do that" Chaeyoung felt scared "Please stop, you'll get hurt"

"Why would I get hurt? What's so dangerous about taking you home"

"I saw you getting hurt while on road" Chaeyoung cried.

"Chaeyoung-sshi! You don't have to worry, nothing is going to happen"

"No please, don't do that" she cried even more.

"Okay, there you go" Yoongi pulled over "but I'm not letting you go until you tell what's going on?"

"There's someone else who knows about all of this" Chaeyoung dried her tears "and he's the one who told me about your story"

"Who is that?" Suga asked.

"Jhope Sunbaenim" Chaeyoung confessed.

"Hoseok knew? How?"

"Apparently he overhead you talking to Jungkook about it and he knew that you mistook me the other day" Chaeyoung took a breath "when he knew that you mistreated me, he came to apologise on your behalf and explained everything to me. He begged me to keep it a secret"

"Hoseok is a total brat"

"He actually cares a lot about you" Chaeyoung smiled "he was terrified when he heard your story that he kept having nightmares ... We talked once and he said that he was deeply worried about you that he dreamed of you having car crash"

"He did?"

"Yes, it wasn't repetitive like yours, it was just a random nightmare"  Chaeyoung said.

"Then why did you stop me from driving you home?"

"I was only scared ... Because it's the same as in JHope's dream. He said it happened after meeting me that's why I'm scared" Chaeyoung explained.

"See? You said you're only scared, it means nothing is going to happen" Suga assured.

"No, please I'm scared"

"Chaeyoung-sshi" Suga called her "if it's supposed to be it'll be no matter what. Even if I'm at home sleeping"

Suga hardly convinced Chaeyoung to stay calm as he drove her home. She didn't complain but she was deeply worried. For instance, she believed that something was going to happen to them but they reached her dorm safely.

"Call me when you arrive home" Chaeyoung said as she left the car.

"Okay, good night"

Yoongi bid goodbye to Chaeyoung then made his way back to the dorm. He was able to hide his concern with Chaeyoung's presence but deep inside he was scared. He has been seeing a lot of dreams that became reality so talking about having a car crash scared him. He drove carefully until he safely reached the dorm. He walked in feeling relieved that nothing bad happened. He looked around to find all the members gathered in the living room and looking at him while smirking.

"What? What are you looking at?" Yoongi asked.

"Nothing" they playfully denied.

"Hoseok-ah! We need to talk" Yoongi looked at Jhope.

"Why? You're going to scold me because I told Chaeyoung about your top secret nightmare?" Hoseok said as he walked towards Yoongi "you should be grateful instead" he teased.

"Grateful? Grateful for what?" Yoongi flinched.

"I got you a girlfriend" Hoseok pushed Yoongi.

"A girlfriend?" Yoongi widened his eyes "okay, I'd like to raise a point of order here. She's not my girlfriend, we met for a reason and you know what is it?"

"Would you meet a non-girlfriend in the Park Hyatt" Jin teased "Yoongi-ah, it's one of the most luxurious hotels in Seoul"

"Hyung, it's all over the internet" Jimin said "people are waiting for your confirmation"

"What are you babbling about?" Yoongi felt confused "confirm what?"

"Have a look" Jungkook showed him the article.

"BTS Suga and TWICE Chaeyoung rumoured to be dating; agencies have not yet released any official statements" Suga read the title "what the hell is that?" Suga sighed.

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