Our Treasure

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Yoongi quickly washed up then joined Chaeyoung for dinner. He was worried about she's going to tell him but she reassured that it's not scary.

"So... what do you want to tell me?" Yoongi sat next to her.

"Last time when I miscarried, you told me that you felt like it came to life but we couldn't take care of it"

"I did" he looked suspiciously at her.

"Let's take good care of it this time" Chaeyoung acted shy.

"Alright, let's do th---" Yoongi nodded obliviously then understood what Chaeyoung meant "what? Take care of it? Take care of who?" Yoongi got flustered "you're pregnant?"

"Can you believe it" Chaeyoung teased "I'm pregnant"

Yoongi was always against the idea of having a child at a young age. Chaeyoung is only twenty-four and he's thirty and they've been married for less than a year so having a child could sound a bad idea for him. However, the moment he heard the word pregnant coming out of Chaeyoung's mouth he was over the moon that he immediately pulled her into the warmest hug.

"How long?" Yoongi asked.

"Two weeks" she said "I have to be more careful this time"

"We sure should be careful" Yoongi hugged her.

"I thought we talked about not having kids soon but look at us being all happy" Chaeyoung smiled genuinely.

"Who wouldn't be happy being a parent!" Yoongi smiled.

Yoongi and Chaeyoung shared a very sweet moment. They were both happy to add a member to their family but their moment was interrupted by the doorbell. Yoongi went to open but was surprised when he saw Mr. Seungwon standing behind it.

"Am I interrupting?" Mr. Seungwon said.

"It's not like you'd leave if I told you that you're interrupting" Yoongi teased him.

"I am welcome then" Mr. Seungwon allowed himself in.

"Dad!" Chaeyoung got surprised "I was happy a moment ago but you are here and I feel like you  are going to piss me off"

"You are already pissed off Chaeyoung-ah" he said "let's sort this out now"

"What do you want?" she asked him then shook her head "I can't ask you this because you get everything you want, what do you want to sort out?"

"it's about you and me and ...." Mr. Seungwon hesitated " and Chaeyoung"

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