I Hate You

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Yoongi nervously laid on his bed thinking about Chaeyoung's sudden change. A week ago, he saw her off when she was going to travel and asked her to come back in a totally different mood. But he never meant for it to be this way. Yoongi's thoughts were interrupted by his phone showing that an unknown landline is calling.

"Hello?" Yoongi answered.

"Is this Yoongi?" The woman in the phone answered.

"Yes" he said indifferently.

"I'm calling you from the hospital" the woman said making Yoongi's heart skip a beat "you are the last person Son Chaeyoung has called. She's been involved in a car accident, could you come to the hospital please?" 
Without a second thought, Yoongi jumped out of his bed then quickly grabbed his coat and went downstairs. The members were still gathered in the living room. They were still discussing Chaeyoung's matter when they saw Yoongi swift  past them with a pale face.

"Hyung, what's wrong?" Jungkook asked.

"I've got a call from the hospital, Chaeyoung was involved in a car accident" Yoongi panted "I've got to go"

"I'm coming with you" Jungkook followed Yoongi.
The boys once again were left in shock . Everything happened so quickly that they couldn't even react; Yoongi spoke very quickly then Jungkook went with him and in a matter of a second they're both gone.
They sat back silently trying to understand what happened but no one was able to. They were all silent until Hoseok came to a conclusion.

"She left angrily" Hoseok said grabbing everyone's attention "she must've been hit on her way out of here"

"Yoongi hyung will forever feel guilty if that's the case" Namjoon said.

They were extremely worried about Chaeyoung even though she behaved recklessly earlier but they still felt deeply worried. Their thoughts were interrupted by a light chuckle coming from Jimin.

"Yah! What's funny?" Jin asked.

"Looking at the bright side, Yoongi hyung really loves her" Jimin chuckled again "seeing how coldly he treated her earlier then how messed up he is now" Jimin took a deep breath while smiling "hats off to Son Chaeyoung, she really got him head over heels"

"Couldn't agree more" Hoseok smiled "I've never seen Yoongi hyung this concerned. Hopefully Chaeyoung will be fine and everything will be back to normal"

"She'll be fine I'm sure" Jimin said "that girl is a living monster. Remember when she got leg surgery and performed with Yoongi hyung the day after? She'll be fine"

"But what is the story about" Jin changed the topic "I'm speaking about Yugyeom, what does he have to do with Chaeyoung"

"Maybe they're just friends caring for each other" JHope suggested.

"Oh come off it" Jimin flinched "her reaction earlier says more than that. It's as if they share some kind of secrets"

"Everything will be revealed once Chaeyoung gets better" Namjoon said.

Jungkook drove nervously fast as he hardly convinced Yoongi not to drive because the latter was so overwhelmed. As soon as they reached  the hospital, they asked about Chaeyoung's whereabouts and ran to her. At that moment she was at the surgery but they found someone waiting for her.

"Yugyeom-ah?" Jungkook said in surprise.

"Ah! Jungkook-ah" Yugyeom walked to them "did they call you?"

"They called Yoongi hyung" Jungkook said as he looked at both Yugyeom and Yoongi "is she okay?"

"I'm not sure. I think the old scar is damaged" Yugyeom said "I'm speaking about the previous surgery she got"

"How do you know about it?" Yoongi suddenly asked.

"Hyung! Me and Chaeyoung are close. She told me about it" Yugyeom said "are you suspecting anything? Is that important now?"

"Guys! Chill!" Jungkook tried to calm them down "we have to think about Chaeyoung now"

"Yugyeom-sshi!" The doctor interrupted them "Chaeyoung is fine. The surgery went well and she's in her room now"

"Can we see her?" Yugyeom asked.

"I'm not sure" the doctor said "she was psychologically unstable when she came so I have to ask her first"
The doctor disappeared for a second then came back from Chaeyoung's room smiling and told Yugyeom that she wants to see him. Yugyeom followed the doctor to Chaeyoung's room leaving Yoongi and Jungkook behind.

"Let's go home" Yoongi said as he walked away.

"Hyung hyung hyung" Jungkook called as he ran after him "you have to see her first"

"Jungkook-ah! Don't you get it?" Yoongi said then walked again "hurry up, unless you want to take a cab"

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